Monday, September 30, 2019

Christian Worldview and Culture Essay

Today’s cultural landscape has been shaped by the likes of MTV (entertainment), Steve Jobs (technology), and Mark Zuckerberg (social networking). Society often prefers accepting the â€Å"worldviews† of these and other influential people, rather than hearing the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ which offers redemption to a â€Å"fallen† world. We cannot ignore the reality that a vast majority of cultural advancements are produced by â€Å"non-Christian culture-makers, who, as they become more self-conscious and consistent with their anti-Christian stance, will express their unbelief in their artifacts with increasing boldness. Christians cannot dismiss the impact and relevance these contributions have made on society. One of the great challenges believers are confronted with is developing an understanding of the importance of expressing and sharing our Christian worldview in the midst of various competing ideologies. One of the hidden ideologies that secular culture promotes is that we can â€Å"take care of ourselves† thus, refuting any notion that we are dependent on Christ to meet every human need, including the need for salvation. Christian disengagement from culture is contrary to Christ’s example of Incarnation. Christ did not consider human culture unworthy of his attention and love. He set aside his divinity and put on human flesh so that he could engage us on a social and cultural level. The great commission is an affirmation of Christ’s desire for his followers to â€Å"go into all the word†, engaging culture and preaching the gospel. What is â€Å"Culture†? Culture can be defined using three different approaches: agricultural, sociological, and anthropological. The agricultural approach to defining culture â€Å"is derived from the Latin cultura†¦ meaning to plow or till. † Culture is understood from a farming or agricultural perspective which entails the â€Å"practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. † The reference to someone being â€Å"cultured† is drawn from this farming metaphor. Education in this sense is the â€Å"cultivation† of the mind. The sociological approach to defining culture deals with social class distinctions of â€Å"high† (elite) and â€Å"low† (mass) culture. This aesthetic standpoint is mainly concerned with the â€Å"intellectual and artistic achievements of a society. † High culture is associated with the highest ideals of what is (in a subjective sense) â€Å"good†. A cultured person is one who has been acquainted with and educated in the â€Å"finer things† of art, literature, music, etiquette, socialization, as so on. The anthropological perspective regarding culture is concerned with â€Å"the whole way of life of a group or society, not just its better achievements. † Unlike the sociological perspective, this approach does not make distinctions between sophisticated and primitive social groups. It simply acknowledges that all â€Å"activity† which is produced by a social group (texts, art, music, food, artifacts, philosophy, ethics, etc. is that group’s culture. H. Richard Niebuhr states, â€Å"[S]ocial life is always cultural† and culture is the product of â€Å"human achievement†. Humanity Was Created For â€Å"Good Works† Culture, as expressed by the creativity of human activity, is a reflection of God who Himself is a creative being. Human understanding of order and beauty is only possible because of God’s magnificent creation of the heavens and the earth. God validated the beauty of creation when He â€Å"saw all that he had made†¦ was very good† (Genesis 1:31). Man and woman were created in the divine image and likeness (imago dei) of God and were entrusted by God to care for and tend to His creation. Man was given the responsibility of â€Å"cultivating† the Garden of Eden and in doing so bringing glory to the Creator. Here we should take notice between the similarities of the word cultura (plow, till) and cultus which is a â€Å"veneration of the divine†. This should give us a greater insight regarding how â€Å"the human race [was] called to interact deliberately with the earth—[working, tilling, cultivating]—while at the same time lovingly serving his divine Master†¦ and worshiping his Maker. Adam â€Å"performed his culturative activities in response to and as a reflection of God’s creative acts. † Competing Worldviews All of humanity’s artistic and creative works reflect the worldview of those who created them. As a result of the Fall the imago dei has become distorted, causing humanity to shift the focus of their creative and culturative activities away from exclusive worship to God. As a result humanity has developed â€Å"unholy motives†¦ even though superficially [our creative activities] may be of some benefit. Man’s creative outlet is disoriented—seeking to glorify himself through the works of his own hands. Once we understand that all human creative efforts are a reflection of the inner beliefs and values of the mind and spirit, we can assess the intention of human activity properly. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) was the product of human efforts to succeed, using human ability, independent of God. Today’s â€Å"pop† culture seeks to create a new Babel in which human achievement and technological advancement create the false notion that we can live independent of God, or even worse, have no need of God. Thus, culture always reflects a society’s religious and philosophical values, â€Å"[flowing] out of the heart—as it were—of the society which produces it. † A Christian worldview based on God’s Word will discern the â€Å"the ideological bias of the medium and ideological content of the message of non-Christian (and Christian) artifacts. † This is essential for the Christian because there is no neutrality in the message embedded in the works of man. We are not idle spectators, â€Å"[We] must take sides at all times in everything [we] do. † Christian Approach to Culture (Christ and Culture) There has been much debate as to the extent in which Christians are to engage the culture that we live and worship in. Should Christians adapt a Monastic approach secluding ourselves from society? Or, are we to engage the world in such manner that our Christian distinctiveness is lost? H. Richard Niebuhr, in his book Christ and Culture, suggests several â€Å"Christian answers to the problem of Christ and culture. † Niebuhr offers five approaches Christians have historically taken in an effort to understand their position in Christ and involvement with culture. These are: â€Å"Christ against culture,† â€Å"Christ of culture,† â€Å"Christ above culture,† â€Å"Christ and culture in paradox,† and â€Å"Christ the transformer of culture. † The â€Å"Christ against culture† approach proposes that loyalty to Christ is a â€Å"rejection of cultural society†. He critiques this stance as a â€Å"radically Christian answer to the problem of culture†. Indeed, it is impossible for a Christian, or any person, to totally reject and remove themselves from the influence of and involvement with culture. God has taken the opposite approach. He did not reject the world when Adam sinned, but rather engaged the world and put into motion the plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. Christ stepped into our earthly realm and became subject to the influences and temptations of human culture â€Å"yet was without sin† (Hebrews 4:15). Christ’s relationship to culture was to use the elements of culture to reveal God the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven to fallen humanity. The second model, â€Å"Christ of culture,† is the opposite of the â€Å"against culture† model. It seeks social and cultural engagement with the world. It attempts to make the gospel meaningful to society by extending its reach beyond â€Å"a selected little band of saints† and is able to engage those of â€Å"high† and â€Å"low† social strata. While the effort to make Christ a part of culture may reach those who would remain otherwise unreached, there is a susceptibility to â€Å"distort the figure of the New Testament Jesus† in an effort to accommodate a social-gospel agenda. This is done by relegating Jesus into what we need him to be in an attempt to address our social and cultural problems. Jesus is a great humanitarian if we are fighting for human rights or a great teacher if we are engaged in philosophical debate. Again, this model can be useful in reaching out to the culture, but we cannot compromise the truthfulness of the gospel for a specific social agenda. The third paradigm is â€Å"Christ above culture†. This view proposes that â€Å"the fundamental issue does not lie between Christ and the world†¦ but between God and man. † By placing Christ at the center, and not against culture, this approach avoids separating â€Å"the experience of grace from cultural activity†. There are three distinct groups in this category: â€Å"synthesists,† â€Å"dualists,† and â€Å"conversionists†. Synthesists affirm â€Å"Christ and culture† (both/and) rejecting a â€Å"Christ or culture† (either/or) approach. They maintain that Jesus â€Å"is both God and man, one person with two natures† and that the works of human nature cannot be separated from the grace of God, â€Å"for all those works are possible only by grace. † Essentially, Christ cannot be against culture because God created nature. Likewise Christ’s incarnation allowed him to actively participate nd engage with the culture of his day. One area that could lead to problems in this approach is by synthesizing Christ and culture in such a manner where Christ becomes subservient to culture. If culture assumes the dominant role in this synthesis, the Church will risk becoming more â€Å"cultural† and less Christ-like because it has elevated culture to the same status as Christ through whom all things were made and exist and â€Å"without him nothing was made that has been made† (John1:3). The dualist approach sees â€Å"Christ and culture in paradox†. This view â€Å"makes sharp distinctions between the temporal and the spiritual life, or between what is external and internal, between body and soul, between the reign of Christ and the world of human works and culture. † There is a line drawn between God and â€Å"us†. In the dualist’s view all of human culture is fallen. For dualists the works of Christians within the church and non-Christians outside of the church are equally corrupt. The dualists are in a state of paradox since they cannot reconcile the concept of â€Å"law† and â€Å"grace†. They fail to realize that Christ came to earth to remove the line of separation between man and God. As Christians we must understand that while the world is in a fallen state and under â€Å"law†, at the same time it is under â€Å"grace† and we are to â€Å"go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation† (Mark 16:15). The third group that embraces a â€Å"Christ above culture† paradigm is the conversionists. â€Å"What distinguishes conversionists from dualists is their more positive and hopeful attitude toward culture. Conversionists see Christ as the transformer of culture. They embrace the redemptive work of Christ in the here and now. They are not looking to some eschatological future where one day they all will be restored. The conversionists have a hopeful outlook regarding culture and look forward to its restoration from a corrupt state. â€Å"Christ transforms the fallen culture in that â€Å"he redirects, reinvigorates, and re generates† the life of man from a corrupted state. Once man has been regenerated, he will produce â€Å"good works†. The transformative power of Christ in the life of fallen humanity redeems us: â€Å"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them† (Eph. 2:10). It is not our works which cause us to be redeemed but rather, our works are a testimony to the world that we are no longer bound by the curse of sin and corruption. Conclusion Because we live in a period of world history that offers the greatest tools and opportunities for cultural engagement, we cannot ignore the importance of understanding Christ role, through the Church, in today’s culture. To engage with culture, theology and ecclesiology needs to be both critical and artistic†¦ such engagements require theology to be open to the insights of cultural studies and alert to the ways in which contemporary culture is shaping religion. † Social networking sites, email, iPhones, cable TV, movies, music, art, and literature are the vehicles th at are being used to promote the beliefs and values of our society. Satan has done a great job in using culture to enslave society, tempting us to sin and forfeit our relationship with God our Creator. Our fleshly appetites are satisfied by images of sexuality, greed, power, and self-assertion. The danger of a culturally advanced society is that it seeks to replace God with its achievements. It seeks salvation, joy, peace, and prosperity via its own human efforts and imaginations. Because we have been brought from â€Å"darkness to light† we must shine the light of the gospel of Christ by engaging the culture in which we live, work, play, and worship. For this reason, every Christian must â€Å"seize the opportunity that the contemporary circumstances present to us and boldly set out to transform the earth. †

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Twilight Saga 5: Midnight Sun 21. Goodbye

There is no scent of a vampire anywhere near us, Emmett thought while looking around the darkened grounds. All clear here, Alice looked through the future. He'll show up, but he won't bother us†¦he wants her to himself. Looking out through the window of the Jeep I could see no sign of the tracker. I was secretly hoping that he wouldn't show up. Putting Bella in the line of danger was burning holes through me. â€Å"He's not here,† my voice was tense. â€Å"Let's go,† I firmly commanded. I gave Emmett a tight nod and he started unbuckling Bella's harness. I could hear her pulse start to race as her breathing became harsh and ragged. Her breath filled my lungs, reminding me forcibly of the precious creature I would be protecting this evening. She's worried†¦so human. â€Å"Don't worry, Bella,† Emmett said in an amused voice, â€Å"we'll take care of things here quickly.† Moisture was beginning to build up in Bella's eyes and in that most fleeting of seconds I wanted to take her and run ?C run thousands of miles ?C just me and her, together. That's not an option, Alice's vision swirled in her head before it went up in a wisp of smoke as I realized she was right. We should hurry, her thoughts were strained as the many smoky and shadowy figures shifted and disappeared with each decision that was being made. â€Å"Alice, Emmett,† I called. I hope he's here! This is going to be so much fun! Emmett ran away gleefully. Don't worry, Edward. We'll keep her safe. Alice slid silently into the trees. Bella was showing extraordinary strength for someone so human. I swept out of the Jeep and opened the back door to see Bella's face which was still full of sadness and my protective side took a different turn as I took her hand and brought her to my side to comfort and protect her. As the terror rose in my chest I was beginning to drag my feet reluctantly towards her door, where she would leave me to go inside. I knew the only safe place for her was in my arms. Our footsteps echoed in the silence but I was not oblivious to my surroundings as we walked; my eyes continually darting from every corner of the open space like we were in the middle of a war. I hear someone approaching, Emmett resisted the temptation to attack but his thoughts were always wildly enthusiastic about the prospect. â€Å"Fifteen minutes,† I reminded Bella while stealing a glance to look at her face, an icy surge of terror rising in the pit of my stomach. Tiny tears began seeping from beneath her eye lids as she looked up into my eyes. â€Å"I can do this,† she sniffed like she was trying to convince herself more than me. The lights on the porch were on, making her tears reflect the light as soon as we ascended the last step. She turned around to face me, bringing her warm hands to my face, sending a quivering feeling through my body in the most hostile of times. â€Å"I love you,† Bella said intensely. â€Å"I will always love you, no matter what happens now.† What did she think was going to happen to her? An odd chill ran up my spine. â€Å"Nothing is going to happen to you, Bella,† I replied fiercely. â€Å"Just follow the plan, okay? Keep Charlie safe for me. He's not going to like me very much after this, and I want to have the chance to apologize later,† she looked up at me with her tear stained face. I could feel my heart sinking as I took in her pitiful expression. Before I could show this emotion on my face I heard the thoughts of my family from the woods, distracting me again. They're here ?C only James and Victoria. Alice thought flatly. Laurent went to see Carlisle ?C or ?C to warn him. They are keeping their distance. They caught our scent. Emmett was still hoping for a fight. Well, well, well†¦ I heard James' thoughts. This is going to be a lot more fun than I realized, a laugh escaped his lips at the prospect of his new hunt. â€Å"Get inside, Bella. We have to hurry,† I said urgently while leaning over her protectively. â€Å"One more thing,† she whispered hastily. â€Å"Don't listen to another word I say tonight!† Instantly her lips were on mine, sending warmth and pleasant electric shocks through my body. I forgot where I was for a fraction of a second before she pulled away, tears still streaming down her face. Her expression changed to searing anger, she turned on her heal and kicked the front door open. â€Å"Go away, Edward!† her voice was a scream before she slammed the door in my face. I stood there looking at the door in stunned disbelief; my breath being temporarily robbed. The feelings pulsing through me were oddly disembodying. Shrugging off the sensation as best I could, I continued to look around the cool misty grounds, stealing glances through my siblings' minds along with Charlie's. James continued to keep his distance even though his thoughts were smug and optimistic to the point of foolishness. What is she doing? Emmett wondered. I underestimated her†¦ hilarious, this should be entertaining! â€Å"Bella?† Charlie called out anxiously at his daughter's angry words. â€Å"Move closer and see if you can get a better look at what's going on,† I heard James order Victoria. Better her neck than mine, James thought coldly. â€Å"Leave me alone!† Bella shouted back at Charlie. Charlie's thoughts were incoherent with panic at his daughter's obvious pain. He began pounding on her door while startling flashes of insight and thought filled my mind. â€Å"The human is fighting with her father,† Victoria told James after returning to him. This I have to see, James thought menacingly. He's on the move, Alice warned me. If he gets too close I'll take care of him, Emmett thought pleasantly. My eyes searched the forest for any sign of the tracker but came up empty. I continued to stand protectively below Bella's window. James moved in to hear the conversations going on inside the house but stayed clear of my vision. My concentration flew up fifteen feet to where Bella was. â€Å"Bella, are you okay? What's going on?† Charlie called out, frightened. â€Å"I'm going home,† she shouted angrily. It's almost believable ?C chuckle ?C this is getting good, Emmett's amusement was heightened at her acting. â€Å"Did he hurt you?† Charlie asked, disjointed anger rising in his thoughts. No†¦he protects her, James thought with great disgust. At their thoughts I snapped. I flew through the air swiftly entering her bedroom through the window, starting to grab anything and everything from her dresser in a fierce attempt to speed the process. â€Å"No!† Bella shouted back at her dad while she ran around her room, packing her belongings. She hadn't noticed my presence until she turned to her dresser. Her eyes found mine and they were full of sadness and guilt. Before I could pull her into my embrace we were interrupted. â€Å"Did he break up with you?† Charlie asked, perplexed by her sudden angst. â€Å"No!† Bella shrieked at Charlie again while shoving handfuls of clothes into her bag. Victoria is heading to our house because she knows that we plan to bring Bella there. Alice informed me. Charlie began beating on Bella's door, panic rushing his mind. â€Å"What happened, Bella?† Charlie shouted through the door. â€Å"I broke up with him!† she shouted back. She was jerking her hand on the zipper of the bag so I caught her hand gently with mine and zipped it for her. I picked up the bag and gently placed it on her shoulder. â€Å"I'll be in the truck ?C go!† I whispered and lightly pushed her towards her door, trying to press the fact that we needed to get far away from James. I jumped out of the window. â€Å"What happened?† Charlie asked when she opened her door, following her downstairs. â€Å"I thought you liked him?† â€Å"I do like him ?C that's the problem. I can't do this anymore! I can't put down anymore roots here! I don't want to end up trapped in this stupid, boring town like Mom! I'm not going to make the same dumb mistake she did. I hate it ?C I can't stay here another minute!† Bella yelled in a desperate attempt to convince Charlie to let her go. She's good, Emmett thought. She is setting up an escape†¦clever, but not clever enough. James thought. Things are about to get real interesting, James sneered in his head. â€Å"Bells, you can't leave now. It's nighttime,† Charlie whispered to her with pure sadness in his voice. Charlie's shocked thoughts were over powering as each word lashed at him, causing him pain. Oh yes she can. Come on little girl, come out to play. James snarled with great smugness. I resisted the temptation to whip around and attack him. That is not a good idea, Alice thought in hollow tones. Flashes of the future floated into her mind but disintegrated when I decided not to follow through with my plan. â€Å"I'll sleep in the truck if I get tired,† Bella responded to Charlie, her voice emotionless. â€Å"Just wait another week,† Charlie begged. â€Å"Rene will be back by then.† â€Å"What?† Bella stuttered. We need to get her out of there, Alice pushed. â€Å"She called while you were out.† Charlie knew he had caught her off guard. â€Å"Things aren't going so well in Florida, and if Phil doesn't get signed by the end of the week, they're going back to Arizona. The assistant coach of the Sidewinders said they might have a spot for another shortstop.† Arizona is it? Surely she wouldn't actually go there. Hum†¦ James' thoughts trailed off. â€Å"I have a key,† Bella retorted to Charlie's pitiful attempt at keeping her there. That's right. Just come outside. James was wistful. If it weren't for our presence James would have already attacked. I was instantly becoming nervous at our plan. Is this plan going to back fire? I wondered gravely. We would shortly be in her very slow truck driving several miles towards my house before she would be in the protective custody of seven vampires. â€Å"Just let me go, Charlie.† Bella said softly. â€Å"It didn't work out, okay? I really, really hate Forks!† This is really going to hurt Charlie, Alice thought sadly. Bella walked out of the house. â€Å"I'll call you tomorrow!† she yelled back to Charlie. She jumped into her truck and the engine roared to life. She backed out and squealed her tires on the asphalt as she sped away. I was running next to her truck and jumped in. She was trembling and tears were leaking out of her eye lashes in massive amounts. â€Å"Pull over,† I said softly. â€Å"I can drive,† she barely sputtered a sobbing protest. Now the fun begins! James thought while running behind us. I'm right behind you, Edward. Don't worry, he won't try anything, Alice reassured me. I looked at Bella's face and pain knotted my stomach at the thought of her grief in this moment. I wanted to do something but I couldn't think of how to comfort her. She was barely staying in between the lines on the road, probably because her vision was blinded by more tears. I grabbed her waist and put my foot on the gas pedal, moving her warm body over mine until I was the one driving. â€Å"You wouldn't be able to find the house,† I tried to explain to her in a way that wouldn't upset her anymore than she already was. The lights of the Jeep flashed across the truck and she turned to look out of the window, horror displayed in her eyes. â€Å"It's just Alice,† I immediately tried to soothe her by cradling her hand in mine. At my touch she sighed and began to relax, though her face showed a great sadness. â€Å"The tracker?† Bella whispered. †¦is running behind us. Emmett's a few steps ahead of him, Alice informed me of the situation outside the truck but I was too intent on continued to leak from her eyes as she looked up at me. â€Å"He heard the end of your performance,† I said with the deepest of loathing while remembering his thoughts. â€Å"Charlie?† she looked like she was going to choke from the word. Alice quickly began scanning for Charlie's future – which was solidly there. His future looks bright, she added. â€Å"The tracker followed us. He's running behind us now.† I continued to try and calm her nerves. â€Å"Can we outrun him?† she asked anxious and curious. In that truck? Funny, Emmett mused. â€Å"No,† I pressed the gas pedal down to the floor, emphasizing Emmett's thoughts. The truck groaned, sputtered and continued to move at its regular fifty-five. Nice try, but that truck isn't going any faster. Emmett thought before jumping in the back, highly amused by the whole situation. A high pitched scream exited Bella's parted lips and I reached up, clamping my hand across her mouth to quiet her. â€Å"It's Emmett,† I explained while removing my hand from her face. Her face was screwed up in anguish and terror so I wound my arm around her waist and brought her into my side. I felt better immediately at her closeness because this was the safest place for her to be. â€Å"It's okay Bella,† I promised, though I wasn't sure if my promise was empty. â€Å"You're going to be safe.† Her face still showed a twist of emotions: terror, panic, and sadness. Expelling all thoughts that were around me I concentrated every last particle of my mind on the one person who needed me most ?C Bella. I needed to distract her and to distract myself. I knew the best way to get her talking was to make an assumption, which she would undoubtedly correct for me – usually with a lengthy explanation. â€Å"I didn't realize you were still so bored with small-town life,† I began, looking sideways at her face. â€Å"It seemed like you were adjusting fairly well ?C especially recently. Maybe I was just flattering myself that I was making life more interesting for you.† â€Å"I wasn't being nice,† she thwarted my attempts at a diversion while gazing down. â€Å"That was the same thing my mom said when she left him. You could say I was hitting below the belt.† â€Å"Don't worry. He'll forgive you,† my lips turned up in an attempt to ease her pain. She returned her gaze to mine and her eyes were still wide with panic. â€Å"Bella, it's going to be all right.† â€Å"But it won't be all right when I'm not with you,† her lips barely let the whisper escape. â€Å"We'll be together again in a few days,† I tightened my grip on her, realizing that I didn't ever want her to leave my protective custody. â€Å"Don't forget that this was your idea.† â€Å"It was the best idea ?C of course it was mine,† she replied smugly and a smile crept up my face at the sign of a new emotion, but it was fleeting at best. â€Å"Why did this happen?† she choked. â€Å"Why me?† I stared out into the darkness realizing that it was my error. You idiot, moron! I knew that there were others in the vicinity and in a moment of happiness I forgot the dangers that could befall a human, especially one that smelled as tempting as she did. â€Å"It's my fault ?C I was a fool to expose you like that.† I replied with rage present in my voice. â€Å"That's not what I meant,† she said exasperated. â€Å"I was there, big deal. It didn't bother the other two. Why did this James decide to kill me? There're people all over the place, why me?† In my attempt to block out all thoughts one still protruded into my mind, answering the question for me. Because you are protected by seven vampires ?C something I have never come across. This is the best challenge, yet. I couldn't have asked for anything better than this! James thought hungrily for the hunt. I hesitated before answering Bella's question, trying to word it in a way that wouldn't scare her beyond her current state of terror though the cold fury that was in every line of my face was obvious to her. â€Å"I got a good look at his mind tonight,† I began in a low voice. â€Å"I'm not sure if there's anything I could have done to avoid this, once he saw you. It is partially your fault.† I looked at her reflection in the glass. â€Å"If you didn't smell so appallingly luscious, he might not have bothered. But when I defended you†¦well, that made it a lot worse. He's not used to being thwarted, no matter how insignificant the object. He thinks of himself as a hunter and nothing else. His existence is consumed with tracking, and a challenge is all he asks of life. Suddenly we've presented him with a beautiful challenge ?C a large clan of strong fighters all bent on protecting the one vulnerable element. You wouldn't believe how euphoric he is now. It's his favorite game, and we've just made it his most exciting game ever,† I said in disgust. I will win, James's thoughts were rapt and exultant. I hesitated, trying to control the sensation that was building in my chest to pull over and attack. I controlled my urge and continued. â€Å"But if I had stood by, he would have killed you right then,† I said, frustrated. â€Å"I thought†¦I didn't smell the same to the others†¦as I do to you,† she said hesitantly. â€Å"You don't. But that doesn't mean that you aren't still a temptation to every one of them. If you had appealed to the tracker ?C or any of them ?C the same way you appeal to me, it would have meant a fight right there.† I felt her quiver. â€Å"I don't think I have any choice but to kill him now,† I muttered. â€Å"Carlisle won't like it.† â€Å"How can you kill a vampire?† she asked through her petrified sobs. Glad I'm not the one to tell her this one, Emmett chuckled and I ignored him. My focus was solely on Bella. Her gaze met mine and I could see the darkness of my face and eyes as I spoke. â€Å"The only way to be sure is to tear him to shreds, and then burn the pieces.† â€Å"And the other two will fight with him?† Always so full of questions, isn't she? Alice mused. â€Å"The woman will. I'm not sure about Laurent. They don't have a very strong bond ?C he's only with them for convenience. He was embarrassed by James in the meadow†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"But James and the woman ?C they'll try to kill you?† she choked. You silly girl! You are the fragile one, the breakable one ?C the one that is being hunted, I internally replied. â€Å"Bella, don't you dare waste time worrying about me. Your only concern is keeping yourself safe and ?C please, please ?C trying not to be reckless.† I pleaded. â€Å"Is he still following?† she asked. Yes, he's keeping his distance; he's pretty keen not to be seen. He won't come after Bella tonight, Alice informed me. â€Å"Yes. He won't attack the house, though. Not tonight.† I replied while turning onto my driveway. After the several mile drive to the house we could finally see the distant lights of the house becoming larger and clearer. I could immediately hear the thoughts of Laurent. I can't believe they live like this ?C Amazing! I can't understand why they are planning on ruining all of this for a human. Laurent thought in astonishment. He's at the forest edge, I'll grab Bella. Emmett thought while jumping out of the truck and running alongside it. When we were coming to a stop he opened the door and pulled Bella under his coat and ran her towards the house and through the front door, Alice and I at their side. Relief flowed through my veins now that she was inside, protected. Everyone stood at our arrival. I can't believe this crap, Rosalie was muttering. Oh thank heavens they are all right, Esme and Carlisle both thought, relieved. Laurent stood in the mist of my family members, his eyes a gleaming ominous red, making the difference between us and them stand out. What the hell is he doing in our house? I might get that fight after all, a feral snarl ripped up Emmett's throat, low and vibrating. He sat Bella down next to him, preparing to pounce. â€Å"He's tracking us,† I stared coldly at Laurent. â€Å"I was afraid of that,† Laurent frowned. I could hear James as he began thinking strategy in his mind, he was going to meet up with Victoria who was already waiting for him a short distance from the house. â€Å"What will he do?† Carlisle asked Laurent in chilling tones. â€Å"I'm sorry,† Laurent began. â€Å"I was afraid, when your boy there defended her, that it would set him off.† Same old games, Laurent thought angrily in his head. â€Å"Can you stop him?† Carlisle questioned. I'll stop him, Emmett roared internally. â€Å"Nothing stops James when he gets started.† Laurent answered while shaking his head in frustration. â€Å"We'll stop him,† Emmett promised him. â€Å"You can't bring him down. I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years. He's absolutely lethal. That's why I joined his coven.† Laurent said doubtfully. His head began to shake back and forth again, this time in confusion. Why her? What is so special about this human girl that would make them want to provoke such a vicious hunter? He stole a look at Bella, and then turned back to Carlisle, perplexed by the situation. â€Å"Are you sure it's worth it?† A growl formed in my stomach and ripped up my throat so loudly that it had him cringing away from me in fear. â€Å"I'm afraid you're going to have to make a choice.† Carlisle said gravely. This is one hell of a life style to live in. But James ?C I could never defeat James. They mentioned something about a settlement in Denali. â€Å"I'm intrigued by the life you've created here. But I won't get in the middle of this. I bear none of you any enmity, but I won't go up against James. I think I will head north ?C to that clan in Denali,† should I warn them? Oh, why not! â€Å"Don't underestimate James. He's got a brilliant mind and unparalleled senses. He's every bit as comfortable in the human world as you seem to be, and he won't come at you head on†¦I'm sorry for what's been unleashed here. Truly sorry.† â€Å"Go in peace,† Carlisle said quietly. Hum, I hope it is like this in Denali, Laurent wondered, looking around before sweeping out of the house, his thoughts fading with distance. Carlisle turned to meet my gaze. â€Å"How close?† I'm going to seal off all entrances to the house, Esme thought while walking over to the wall, pressing a key pad – making large metal walls creek and groan as they sealed up the glass wall. â€Å"About three miles out past the river; he's circling around to meet up with the female.† I explained. Just drop her off at the river's bank and get this over with, Rosalie sneered in her head. I ignored her thoughts. â€Å"What's the plan?† Carlisle asked. â€Å"We'll lead him off, and then Jasper and Alice will run her south.† I explained to him in a hurry. South? Interesting choice. â€Å"And then?† Carlisle asked. â€Å"As soon as Bella is clear, we hunt him.† I replied darkly. Well, we know we won't let them hurt Bella. â€Å"I guess there's no other choice,† Carlisle agreed but his lips were turned down into a frown. I turned to Rosalie. She needed to learn that Bella is now a part of our family. â€Å"Get her upstairs and trade clothes,† I commanded. Her thoughts sputtered incoherently for several seconds before anger surged through her mouth. â€Å"Why should I?† she said vehemently. â€Å"What is she to me? Except a menace ?C a danger you've chosen to inflict on all of us.† â€Å"Rose†¦,† Emmett put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off. Please ignore her, she'll come around one of these days, please, Emmett begged for Rosalie. With everything that Emmett has been doing for me lately I decided that I would do something for him. I ignored Rosalie's jibe and changed tack in the speed of light. I'll do it, Edward. Esme suggested. I turned to her, â€Å"Esme?† â€Å"Of course,† she responded immediately. Esme flew to Bella's side and without flinching brought her into her grasp and raced upstairs. Once Bella was upstairs everyone was in a hurry, running around packing their belongings or preparing for their independent trips. I continued to ignore Rosalie's thoughts as they grew meaner and more visual. â€Å"Rosalie, you will take Bella's truck. Esme will go with you,† I commanded. â€Å"You want me to ride in that†¦that†¦thing?† she barked. â€Å"Please, Rose. Do it for me,† Emmett asked softly. â€Å"I won't!† she hissed loudly. â€Å"Rosalie, Bella is part of this family and you will treat her with respect, do you understand me?† Carlisle's voice became firm. â€Å"Fine,† Rose snapped at us and then stalked away. I could feel the angry satisfaction on my face. I'm coming with you to hunt James. Maybe we can talk him out of this nonsense and can spare his life, Carlisle thought wishfully. Esme and Bella appeared down the stairs only a few minutes after they went up, both of them changed. It was an odd sensation to smell Bella all over Esme but we were in a hurry so I informed Bella of our plan. â€Å"Esme and Rosalie will be taking your truck, Bella,† I said while passing her to grab a cell phone that Carlisle was giving to each family member. â€Å"Alice, Jasper ?C take the Mercedes. You'll need the dark tint in the south.† We'll keep her safe, Edward†¦promise. I'll miss you. Alice thought while Jasper silently nodded in approval of the plan. â€Å"We're taking the Jeep,† I told Bella. â€Å"Alice,† Carlisle asked, â€Å"will they take the bait?† Alice closed her eyes while swirls of colors flashed and danced around until she solidly saw their path. â€Å"He'll track you. The woman will follow the truck. We should be able to leave after that† â€Å"Let's go.† I'll give you a minute, Carlisle thought but there was still a bite of impatience in his thoughts ?C we had to hurry. I rushed over to Bella, not even hesitating while I brought her into my tight embrace, letting her body warm every inch of mine. The monster, desire, was still positively, solidly there. I placed my hand under her chin, bringing her lips to mine. Euphoria splashed through my hectic nerves – calming them, though the electricity reminded me that I was doing this for her, that I would die for her – to protect her. In seconds the kiss was over and I could feel the slight tearing of my body as I placed her back on the ground. I kept her face in my hands, communicating silently the love I had for her as tears strolled down her pink cheeks, her face eloquent with despair. It was time to go, so I wretched myself away from her and then I was gone, a chill filling my stomach. I ran to the jeep, hoping into the passenger's side. Carlisle was driving and Emmett was in the back, we took off, driving north. James caught my scent easily and began chasing after us in the Jeep. I picked up the phone to call Esme. It only rang once, â€Å"Go now,† I ordered. I could still here the thoughts of Victoria as we speed away. Rosalie and Esme fired up Bella's truck and drove east. Victoria caught the smell of Bella and took off after her truck. I called Alice, even though I was positive she already knew. She answered her phone before it even rang, â€Å"Victoria is on their trail,† I informed her. â€Å"It's time.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Antonin Dvorak

I particularly love the soothing sounds of the instruments and how they all create such a wonderful harmony. Symphony No. 9 is one of my favorites within the genre of classical music. The orchestra did a wonderful job with this piece. I love how they used a mixture of different parts of the orchestra throughout the entire symphony and how it only continued to get better from the start. The piece was very romantic and had a lovely classical tune to it which made the piece easy to listen to. I normally would listen to songs like this has when Im running or studying as classical music helps relaxes me.The piece, which sounds a little similar to Beethovens Symphony, was very upbeat and was never over powering through the entire four movements. The dynamics was to my knowledge Mezzo-Forte that provide a nice rich texture to the song. I truly did not like the narrative piece has I feel it greatly took away from the meaning of the song. Though enjoy the narration and learning about the history of the song the voice of the narrator was very distracting. Think that a short description before the song or afterwards would suffice but this idea of narrative music opened my mind to a new perspective of how to listen to USIA.I think maybe in a conference setting this may help the audience adapt better to the music. Though as an individual I usually listen to this song as am studying and with my reasoning the voices distract me from concentrating on what I am doing. The stopping and going every so often is a little overkill and doesnt allow you to listening to the whole movement in synchronization. However I must credit the musical narrative that if you knew nothing about the artist or the song it will greatly help you relate more to the song and the artist and the history and context of the period the music came from. Earned a lot about how the composer enjoyed African American music, which explains the use of the drums and a heavier tempo and faster beat to his music.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Victim Precipitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Victim Precipitation - Essay Example In his writings, Von Hentig pointed out that victim is also an influencing factor in a crime and the study of the victim's participation on the crime would beneficial as it will result in future crime prevention (van Dijk, 1997). Just like Von Hentig, Mendelsohn also pointed out the role played by the victims in crimes. One example of this is by aggravation. "For Mendelsohn, a defense counsel, victim precipitation was a mitigating circumstance in meting out punishment for the offender" (van Dijk, 1997). In modern times however, the term "victim" has many connotations. "It is not unusual to hear the word "victim" paired with a wide range of human experiences: cancer victims, holocaust victims, accident victims, victims of injustice, hurricane victims, crime victims, and others." These connotations sometimes brought up the "visual images of suffering, devastation and often individual heroism or endurance in the face of powerful destructive forces" (Karmen, 1990; Theoretical Perspectives of Victimology and Critical Research, 2004). "One commonality has come to apply to virtually all usages of the term victim: That an individual has suffered injury and harm by forces beyond his or her control, and not of his or her personal responsibility" (Theoretical Perspectives of Victimology and Critical Research, 2004). The concept of victim precipitation has become so controversial because it lessens the responsibility of the offender of a crime. Many victims don't like the idea that they are partly to be blame for the crime that somebody did to them. One essential criticism of victim precipitation concept in victimology is that blaming the victims as well as the offenders for the crime that occurred. Historically, Mendelsohn also believe in victim's participation in a crime in his early writings. With regards to women victims, this issue is particularly controversial. "This criticism against victimology was voiced most clearly by feminist researchers, for example in reviews of Amir's study of victim precipitation in rapes". "The notion that victims by their provoking behavior triggered their victimization by male victimizers - and in fact deserved to be victimized- is part of the patriarchal mindset which is at the root of many of such crimes. By focusing on the victim's involvement attention is diverted from the structural causes of violence against women" (van Dijk, 1997). Furthermore, the concept of victim precipitation also "emerged in cases of parricide and homicide of batterers by abused spouses" which further blur the clear distinction between the term "victims" and "offenders". Defenders of battered women realize the issue firsthand and help propagate the "battered woman syndrome defense to defend women who killed or seriously injured a spouse or partner after enduring years of physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse" (Theoretical Perspectives of Victimology and Critical Research, 2004). Furthermore, several lawyers, in defending adolescent offenders who murdered their parent, have also use the theories of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder to give a clear evidence of the underlying reasons for the crime. Criminal cases like these are

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Land Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Land Management - Case Study Example There was really nothing to judge. It was all about whether or not the mine met certain criteria according to previous patterns of practice. The suit will go back to the BLM adjudicative branch. If the adjudicative branch is unable to rectify the situation, the case could be taken to a higher court. Nevertheless, Evaporation, Inc. must exhaust all of its administrative remedies before proceeding. That is usually the case with any administrative conflict. The party in question is required to exhaust all of its administrative remedies before seeking legal action. It is usually just a rubber stamp. Here, we explored two pressing questions about the circumstances as presented in the brief. This case of Evaporation, Inc. versus the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) reveals some of the intricacies of land management administrative practice. The importance of this case in the field of land development cannot be overlooked.

Corporate Finance-Mergers and acquisitions Essay

Corporate Finance-Mergers and acquisitions - Essay Example Generally, mergers are brought about in a consensual and cordial environment where the target company helps the purchaser in a 'due diligence' process to ensure that the deal is beneficial to both parties. But acquisitions are sometimes "hostile", in that the acquiring company purchases in the open market a majority of outstanding shares of the target company against the wishes of the target company's board of directors. 'Mergers and acquisitions should be value creating for the shareholders of both the 'offeror' and the 'offeree' companies'. Value creation is also necessary for further growth. Creating value implies earning a return on invested capital in excess of the cost of capital over time; or earning a strictly positive profit, that is where revenue minus all expenses is greater than zero. Value creators do not have to worry about a capital shortage. They are either flush with internal funds to meet their investment needs, or can attract the needed capital from the markets, which are always in search of profitable investment opportunities. And such companies will also create over time a cadre of managers who have higher standards and better capabilities than the competition. Many companiCurrent state of M&A Many companies have had recourse to M&A as a sure path to fast growth. Operational synergy and economies of scale are the strengths of M&A propelling growth. But the failure of many M&A in the 1990s has actually reduced shareholder value instead of increasing it and as a consequence, both management and investors are now taking a closer look at what makes a merger or acquisition a success or a failure. (K@W, 2003). But there have been some exceptions and one exception has been the recent acquisition of Arcelor by Mittal. The Acquisition of Arcelor by Mittal The rise of Mittal Steel has been a story of growth and expansion through acquisitions, beginning with that of the Iron and Steel Company of Trinidad and Tobago in 1989 and culminating in 2006 in the acquisition of Arcelor, Europe's largest steel producer. Mittal has grown by buying struggling steel plants around the world and knitting them into the world's biggest steel company. It has a strong presence in North America and Europe, but in Asia its operation is confined to Kazakhstan. It is the world's largest and most global steel company, with shipments of 49.2 million tons and revenues of over $28.1 billion in 2005, owning steel-making facilities in 16 countries and employing over 224,000 people. The shares of the company are listed on the New York and Amsterdam stock exchanges. The company produces a broad range of products for the flat and long products markets and has among its customers well known names in the automotive, engineering and appliance sectors. (http://www.mittals Mittal Steel announced its intention to acquire Arcelor on 27 January 2006, for a total of 24 billion euros. Arcelor had been created in 2002 by the merger of Aceralia, Arbed and Usinor, with an intention of mobilizing their technical, industrial, and commercial synergies in a joint

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Race Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Race - Assignment Example Femininity is especially differentiated by masculinity in the means of their beauty and is seen as elements that help satisfy the masculine desire for sex and intimacy. They are not really devalued by the overall society and have an important role to play in the society, but the way they are controlled leads to their devaluation. The system of patriarchy views them as fragile and due to this perception they are mostly redeemed important to carry out functions such as caring for others and these functions carried out by females is recognized as Pink-collar labor and these jobs are even regarded as blue-collar labor as these jobs require lower amount of skills. According to Kimmel, manhood can be described as homophobia which is the fear of being unmasked by other males of failing to be a real man (Rothenberg 91). He even defines manhood as flight from feminine as boys tend to prove that they do not have traits that are shared by females and lastly Kimmel defines manhood as power relat ions in which males tend to exhibit behaviors that represent masculinity. 2. By the period of the 18th century, whiteness and the term white which was used to differentiate between the white races of America from other races became very popular and this kind of differentiation among people is recognized as overt racism. The term is used to give a certain population of America a better status in different spheres of life. Immigrants were never treated well in US and they have been exploited mainly due to Xenophobia which is regarded as the fear that a particular society experiences from foreign elements. Institutional racism was in practice and employees who migrated from foreign regions were treated differently as compared to the whites. Not only those already living in US were able to gain the status of being white, some immigrants such as the Jews were even regarded as white folks because of their excellence in the academic sphere during the 1920s (Rothenberg 38). There were other reasons due to which Jews were no longer seen as immigrants or people from the inferior class. One of the main reasons was the program of affirmative action which was not actually created for the purpose of decreasing discrimination against Jews. According to this program, even the migrants from the European nations such as Jews were categorized as whites. The black slaves in US were referred to as chattel slavery as they were recognized as assets owned by their owners by the law and these assets could be bought or sold. Restricted naturalized citizenship is a term used to refer to those individual who were recognized as citizens and were free white individuals and had lived in US for over two years and this citizenship was awarded under the Naturalization Act of 1970. It is quite difficult to define the national culture of America as there are huge numbers of people from different parts of the world and different religions who follow different practices. 3. Under legitimate chatte l slavery practiced in US, the black slaves were suppressed for several years and during this period the whites continue to increase their wealth and the blacks continued to experience worse economic conditions. The blacks were even suppressed by law as laws were made in the case of Plessy vs. Ferguson in which the court of law ruled that the blacks and whites of US had access to separate resources. Due to this, even today the whites have

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Budgiting db3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Budgiting db3 - Essay Example The important aspects will help finalize the budget by implementing the budget styles as well as developing alternative strategies and systems for delivering the business products. The last thing to draw is the budget. The other important aspect is obviously a report of the revenues thus expenditure of the past accounting periods in the industry (Kerzner 2003). The following are circumstances that may lead to the need of a contingent budget. An increase in the prices for raw material together with the inadequate productivity due to unused capacity causes an increase in the operating costs. The stock out costs, lead time costs, and even reduced production leads to market loss. The inadequate capital or access to capital finances calls for unexpected costs. When the firm is operating a risk appetite policy, the ascertained costs will act as the contingent budget elements as well as determine the level of contingent budget. The other instance is about labor and entrepreneurial factor inputs. When there is inadequate monitoring of the firm’s innovation and cash flow, as well as the inadequate labor, the firm unexpected costs such as labor turnover costs, high liquidity, and reduced production capacity rises. Where there is technology advancement rendering existing technology obsolete, thus replacement costs have to be incurred, especially to maintain the competitive edge in the service industry. The main costs lie on the occurrence of immobility of some factors of production. Frederic & James (1983) laid out that some contingent costs are uncertain, but occurrence can be determined statistically thus contingent budgeting The contingent budget runs on the best practices of budgeting, where thorough guidelines of budgeting form a basis for activity planning and timely reporting to responsible personnel. The budget serves contingent costs and liabilities involving the whole organization. Using modern management practices makes the manager abandon the set budgets.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Main Rules and Features of Informative Speech Essay

Main Rules and Features of Informative Speech - Essay Example Before developing a good informative speech, it is vital to first pick a topic and thoroughly research on it in a specified time integrating ones experiences, understand its purpose, learn the time allocation for good time management and learn whom the audience is to be able to relate with them and guide their attention. A speech should also have a good arrangement of the information that one needs to include in a logical order. It is only after careful consideration of all these aspects and understanding of the audience that one can begin to write down his/her speech. Writing a Good Informative Speech Before writing the introduction of a speech, it is important to ensure that one has a good opening statement that would grab the attention of the audience. For my speech, I decided to start with a funny statement that related to current affairs with a strong predisposition to my audience. In the introduction of the speech, one should inform the audience what the speech is about and wha t the main points are going to be, for example, I informed my audience that I was going to talk about my hobbies, how they had influenced me positively and the importance of having such hobbies. The topic chosen might be very general so that one is able to narrow it down to a specific aspect that is relevant to the audience instead of a broad topic, which is partly covered leaving one's audience lost in the speech. Furthermore, the speech should also demonstrate a high degree of competence and self-confidence in the subject one is speaking about to his audience. This can be achieved by possessing facts and good background knowledge about the topic one has chosen, and the information one intends to relay to the audience should be clearly defined. One of the objectives I had in mind while choosing to talk about blood donation as a hobby was to inform the audience of the importance of donating blood by attempting to change or reinforce their behavior and attitude towards caring for one another. In addition, while addressing cooking as a hobby I explained that it had influenced my personal skills on invention and solving problems from different approaches.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Rules And Behavior In Class And Halls English Language Essay

Rules And Behavior In Class And Halls English Language Essay Rationale: I chose this theme because it is an essential part of the school year. How you teach students to act in the beginning of the year will carry out throughout the rest of the school year. I have never had the opportunity to be in a classroom for the first couple weeks of school, so I would like to create a literature unit that focuses on this valuable unit that students need to learn. Summary: In this unit, I go through procedures that the students should know how to go through with ease. The classroom and school rules start off the unit, so that all students know what to do in the class in order to be respectful to the teacher and others. I then move into common procedures such as going to the bathroom, getting on a school bus, doing fire drills and intruder drills. I thought all of these procedures are very important to go over in the first few weeks of school. Often these drills are done during these weeks as a test to make sure the students will be safe in case of an emergency. Materials: Parish, Herman, Amelia Bedilias First Day of School, Greenwillow Books Carlstrom, Nancy, Its Your First Day of School, Annie Claire, Abrams Books for Young Readers Bloch, Serge, Butterflies in My Stomach and Other School Hazards, Sterling Thomas, Pat, Do I have to go to School, Barrons Educational Series Meiners, Cheri, Know and Follow the Rules, Free Spirit Publishing Shannon, David, David Goes to School, Blue Sky Press Kraus, Arthur, Leo the Late Bloomer, HarperCollins Modesitt, Jeanne, Sometimes I Feel Like a Mouse, Scholastic Inc. Jacobs, Paul, Fire Drill, Henry Holt and Co. Feldman, Heather, My School Bus: A Book About School Bus Safety, PowerKids Press I will also need the use of a bus for a day. Goals/Objectives/Assessments of the Unit: Goal: I want the students to be able to recite the rules of the school. Objective: Students will recite the rules of the school. Assessment: I will listen and observe students as the recite the school rules before the pledge everyday. Goal: I want the students to respect other classes when walking through the halls of the school. Objective: Students will quietly walk through the halls in a single file line with their hands at their sides and facing forward. Assessment: I will observe students as they walk in the hall. Goal: I want the students to follow the classroom rules. Objective: Students will create and follow the classroom rules. Students will then sign our contract when they fully understand the rules and consequences to the rules if they are not followed. Assessment: I will observe students on a daily basis to make sure the rules that they created are being followed not in the classroom, but school wide. Goal: I want the students to be able know the proper route to get out of the building in case of a fire drill. Objective: Students will recite and quickly escape the building according to the proper route designed by the school. Assessment: I will monitor and practice with the students to make sure they are using the right procedures. Goal: I want the students to know the proper behaviors to use on a bus. Objective: Students will perform the correct rules as said by the bus driver. Assessment: While the teacher is going over the rules I will go through and monitor to make sure students are listening and practicing the rules. Goal: I want the students to know what to do in case an intruder is in the building. Objective: Students will perform the procedures in case an intruder is in the room. Assessment: I will monitor students to make sure they are following the rules during this time. Essential Knowledge/Skills/Dispositions Outcomes: Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to recite the school rules, recite the classroom rules, and respects others while they are in the hall. This will allow for a well behaved class when the teacher is there or in case the teacher will not be able to be there for a day. Relationship to Standards: Students will meet the first and fourth standard of the NYS ELA standards. Standard 1.1 they will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding. They will meet this standard by writing the classroom rules and reciting these rules every morning. They will also recite the school rules every morning before the pledge. Standard 4.1 they will also read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction. Students will meet this standard by cooperating with their peers to create a set of rules for the classroom. They will have to listen to their peers for ideas. They will then write these rules with the help of the teacher. They will then all read the rules on a daily basis. Lesson Plans Lesson Plan 1 Date/Times: September 1st; 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st grade Theme: First day of school rules; Standard 1.1,4.1 Title for the Days Lesson: First day of school Goals/Objectives: Goal: I want the students to follow the classroom rules. I want students to make connections between their first day of school and Amelia Bedilias first day of school. Objective: Students will create and follow the classroom rules. Students will then sign our contract when they fully understand the rules and consequences to the rules if they are not followed. Students will list how their day and Amelias day were similar and different. Materials: Amelia Bedelias First Day of School, clay Introduction to the Lesson: Today in class, we are going to be reading a book about Amelia Bedilias first day of school. Then we are going to create our own set of classroom rules. Language Arts Activities: I will read the book Amelia Bedilias First Day of School by Herman Parish. I will have the students reflect on items going on in the story as I read it. Amelia gets lost and confused in this story a lot. Did you get lost or confused this morning? I will write down the similarities and differences about Amelias and the classs experiences with the first day of school. After doing this we will follow up the book by using clay just like in the story to create images of the students favorite animals. We will then display these so that parents will be able to see these after school. Now we will move back to the reading rug and create a list of classroom rules. The students will be the creators of these rules, I will be there as a guide to help students write down the rules. After forming the rules, I will ask students to recite the rules together. Students will be asked to review the rules and will be asked to sign the document, only when they are ready to, to make sure they have full understanding of the rules. Review and Summary: Just like in real life we may get lost in the school, but there is always an adult willing to help you. You just need to ask them for help. We also created a list of rules. In our daily lives we have rules to follow. Can you tell me some of the rules that you have to follow at home? Assessment: I will turn the rules paper over. I will ask students to raise their hands and tell me the rules we had just created. Lesson Plan 2 Date: September 2nd Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Review of Classroom Rules and Introduction of School Rules Goal: I want the students to be able to recite the rules of the school. Objective: Students will recite the rules of the school. Students will problem-solve to create rules for making students feel comfortable. Materials: Its your first day of school, Annie Claire and Sometimes I Feel Like a Mouse Introduction: Today we are going to learn the school rules. We will also read a story about a little girl who was nervous to come to school because she didnt know what to expect. We will learn how our school rules will help the girl to realize she will be okay in school. Language Art Activities: I will begin by bringing out a poster of the school rules. These may include rules about respecting others. Once I have read over the rules I will have the students read the rules along with me twice. I will then read the book Its your first day of school, Annie Claire by Margaret Wise Brown. As I read through this story, I will ask students to predict what she will worry about next. After reading the story we will go over the book and relate it to the school rules. So what happens if Anne Claire colors worse than you, what would you do? What if Anne Claire snores during nap time? Would you say anything? Do you see why it is good to have rules to follow? Why is it good to have these rules? We will then create another chart that represents what our class worries were about school. Think back to when you were going into pre-k or kindergarten. What were you worried about? After the first couple of days were you worried anymore? We will put the school rules in a spot where everyone can see them. The location will be decided by the students. Lets practice one more time. I will then end the class with Sometimes I Feel Like a Mouse. Review and Summary: How was what we learned today important for us in life at home? Could you use these school rules at home as well? How would you make sure that others feel welcome in the school? Assessment: I will observe the students while reciting the school rules to make sure they are participating in this daily reading. Lesson Plan 3 Date: September 3rd Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Bathroom Procedures Goal: I want the students to follow the classroom rules. Objective: Students will act out using bathroom manners after using the bathroom. Materials: Leo the Late Bloomer Introduction: Today we are going to go over the proper bathroom procedures. Language Arts Activities: Using the bathroom is something everyone will have to do during school. If you have to go to the bathroom you do not need to raise your hand, you may just go to the bathroom in the classroom. There is an occupied and unoccupied sign on the door. Can anyone tell me what these words mean? So if the bathroom is occupied should we get up and leave a lesson to wait in line or just wait until the person ahead of us is done? What should you do directly after using the bathroom? Thats right! Wash your hands. How long do you wash your hands for? You should put soap on one hand and turn on the faucet with the other hand, and then you should count to ten in your head. Make sure to wash the fronts and backs of your hands. Then you need to dry your hands off. I will visually show students with picture cards at this time. Now we will all practice washing our hands in groups of five. The classroom aid will assist with washing the students hands, while I read the book Leo the Late Bloomer by Arthur Kraus. This story emphasizes how being different is not weird its just different. I think this will be a good eye opener for students and this will help to make sure our classroom is a respectful one. Review: Do you wash your hands at home after you go to the bathroom? You should do this at home as well to make sure that germs are not spread around the house. Assessment: I will have the classroom aide monitor the students during this lesson to make sure they are being thorough and washing their hands properly. Lesson Plan 4 Date: September 4th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1, 4.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Rules in the Hallway Goal: I want the students to respect other classes when walking through the halls of the school. I want students to recite the meaning of common phrases. Objective: Students will quietly walk through the halls in a single file line with their hands at their sides and facing forward. Students will recite the common meanings of many common used phrases. Materials: Butterflies in my stomach and other school hazards Introduction: Today is our first day of specials. Today we will learn how to walk in the hallways so that we are respecting other classes while they are learning. Language Arts Activities: I will read Butterflies in my stomach and other school hazards by Serge Bloch. This is a short book that reviews the feelings of the first day of school. We will review page by page the sayings that were recited and I will make sure students understand each of these phrases. Do you know what this really means? If the students do not respond I will explain the sayings to the like put your best foot forward. After reviewing this, we will talk about the rules in the hallway. Can you give some ways to be respectful in the hallway? I will write these ideas on the board. Then we will practice these in the classroom. I will ask students to line up, now how did we say we should line up? Single file thats right. We will go through each rule before moving. I will then have students walk around the room the way that they had decided. Is there anything we forgot to put on here? If there is I will add this step to the board and we will practice again. Directly after reading, we will leave to go to a gym. Review: Do you think you will hear confusing sayings like this outside of the school? Why do you think that? Can you use any of the sayings we learned to talk to your parents at certain times? Give me an example. I will also review the hallway rules by having students list what they should do in the hallways. Assessment: I will monitor students on a daily basis to make sure that they are following our hallway rules. Lesson Plan 5 Date: September 5th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 4.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Review of Classroom Rules and Making Consequences to broken rules Goal: I want the students to follow the classroom rules and make consequences for actions if they rules are broken. Objective: Students will create and follow the classroom rules. Students will create a list of consequences for not following the classroom rules. Materials: Know and Follow Rules Cheri J. Meiners Introduction: Today we are going to review the school rules. Then we go over some consequences that can be made in case someone breaks a rule. Language Arts Activities: I will call on students to read the rules individually. I will do this until everyone has had a chance to read at least one rule. We will then think of some consequences to rules ranging from low to high. I will have some in mind so that this does not get out of control too much. Some consequences I have thought of are losing free time and getting warnings. If you get three warnings a letter will sent home to your parents. Are there any other consequences that you think should be added? I will then read the book Know and Follow Rules Cheri J. Meiners. This book lists four general rules. During and after reading the book I will ask students why we have rules, these are listed in the book so things are fair, we are safe, so we can learn, and get along. I will then ask students if the four rules provided in the book are in our general classroom rules. If one is missing we will add it to our list. Review: Why do we have rules? Can these same reasons be used at home as well? How were our rules similar to the rules in the story? Assessment: I will observe students behaviors in class to make sure they are following the classroom rules. Lesson Plan 6 Date: September 8th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom, School and Hallway Rules; Standard 1.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Review of All Rules Goal: I want the students to be able to recite the rules of the school. I want the students to respect other classes when walking through the halls of the school. I want the students to follow the classroom rules. Objective: Students will recite the rules of the school. Students will quietly walk through the halls in a single file line with their hands at their sides and facing forward. Students will create and follow the classroom rules. Materials: David Goes to School by David Shannon Introduction: Today we are going to read a story that reviews all the rules we have learned this week. Language Arts Activities: Read the story David Goes to School by David Shannon. As I go through the book students will raise their hands and tell me what rules are being broken by David. What consequences would David have in our classroom? What consequence did David face in his classroom? Do you think that consequence fit? Do you think David learned his lesson? Review: I will ask students to list the rules without looking at them. How can you use these rules at home? Assessment: I will monitor the students during the school year to make sure students are following along with the rules. Lesson Plan 7 Date: September 9th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1, 4.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Fire Drill Procedures Goal: I want the students to be able know the proper route to get out of the building in case of a fire drill. Objective: Students will recite and quickly escape the building according to the proper route designed by the school. Materials: Fire Drill by Paul DuBois Jacobs, bell Introduction: Today we will be reviewing the procedure for fire drills in school. Language Arts Activities: I will read the text Fire Drill to the class. What are some important rules you learned? Students: Stop what you are doing, Out the Door, Stay in Line, Stay in pairs, Stay quiet. Why is it important to immediately stop what you are doing? Why is important to go out the door, stay in line, stay in pairs, stay quiet? Once you are outside how should you act? Students: Stay in pairs, Dont Talk, Dont run, Stay with your class. We are going to practice this drill. First we need to look at our escape route. This is posted right next to the door. Where do we go first according to this chart? Where do we end up? Close to the school or far away? Lets bring our book with us to make sure we are doing this right. I will bring a bell with me to act as a fire bell. I will flip through the pages as students perform the drill. After coming back to the class I will have the students do an activity on safe fire procedures. They will then plan their own escape route for their house. We will repeat this during the day to make sure the students understand what is going on and how to get out of the building safely. Review: Which door do we use to get out of? If that door is blocked what do we do? What could you do at home with your family to make sure you all end up in the same place safely? Assessment: I will monitor the students during the practice runs to make sure they are following the rules and procedures. Lesson Plan 8 Date: September 10th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1, 4.1 Title for Todays Lesson: School Bus Rules Goal: I want the students to know the proper behaviors to use on a bus. Objective: Students will perform the correct rules as said by the bus driver. Materials: My School Bus: A Book About School Bus Safety by Heather Feldman, bus Introduction: Today we are going to learn about school bus safety when we go on field trips and ride them to school. Language Arts Activities: I will first read My School Bus: A Book about School Bus Safety. As I read the story, I will ask questions about the children in the book and what they are doing right. We will then go outside to get into the bus and practice rules. We will review the rules as we go along. For example, how to you get on the bus? How many people should be in a seat? We will then go back to the classroom and complete a worksheet where you have to circle hazards on the bus. Review: What are some of the rules used while we are on a bus? Assessment: I will assess students by observing them on the bus. Lesson Plan 9 Date: September 11th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Rules in case of an intruder Goal: I want the students to know what to do in case an intruder is in the building. Objective: Students will perform the procedures in case an intruder is in the room. Materials: David Goes to School Introduction: Today we are going to learn what to do in case there is an intruder in the building. Language Arts Activities: First we will go over the word intruder. What do you think this means? I will make a semantic web up on the board in order to include all possible definitions. Next, I will tell the students what code name is announced when an intruder is in the building; his name will be Mr. Purple. I will then show students what to do when an intruder announcement is called. We will line up sitting on the floor in front of the cubbies. This way no one can see us. I will lock the door and shut the door and the lights off. It is very important to stay seated and quiet in the room. Okay lets practice, I will start to re-read David Goes to School and a classroom aid will say Dr. Purple is in the building. Students will then move to the designated area and I will lock and shut the door and turn off the lights. After performing the drill and we have waited five minutes I will call the drill off. Students will then be asked to move back to the reading rug. I will ask them what went well. What could we do next time to make sure this happened quicker and quieter? Review: What does the word intruder mean? Can an intruder come in to your house? What do we do when Dr. Purple is in the building is announced over the speaker system.? Assessment: I will monitor students to make sure they are following the rules during this time. Lesson Plan 10 Date: September 12th Time: 8:45-9:45 Grade Level: 1st Theme: Classroom and School Rules; Standard 1.1, 4.1 Title for Todays Lesson: Review of Rules and Procedures Goal: I want the students to be able to recite the rules as best as they can. Objective: Students will recite the bus, intruder and fire drill rules. Materials: Do I have to go to school? Introduction: Today we are going to review the bus, intruder and fire drill rules. Language Arts Activities: I will have drawn a bus, person and fire on the board and I will list the rules inside each of these forms. We have learned about some pretty important rules in the last couple of days. Who can tell me some bus rules? I will list these in the bus. Are we missing any? Now what are our intruder rules? Now what are our fire drill rules? I will then ask students if any of the rules in each of these categories is the same. I will circle similar rules in each form with a different colored marker. How does this help us to have similar rules in each set of rules? I will then read, Do I have to go to school? by Pat Thomas. This will review the reasons of coming to school and give the students a feeling of wanting to be at school. Review: I will cover up the board. Who remembers one rule that is similar in all three procedures? How can we use these same rules in our own life at home? Assessment: I will observe the students work on the board to make sure they encompassed all of the rules on the board.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach: Two of the Competing T

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   RUNNING HEAD: Competing Theories for Treatments of Autism The Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach: Two of the Competing Theories For the Treatment of Patients with Autism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract The author of this paper gives and explanation of what autism is. He also tells you a b it about Jeanne Simons and why she created the Linwood Method and what it is. Then, in addition, you are given a description of who Dr. Jacquelyn McCandless is and her reasons for creating the Bio-Medical Method. She also gives the main idea behind the Bio-Medical Method.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have chosen the topic of autism because I have a family member that, at the age of two, was diagnosed as being autistic. I wanted to understand why he acts the way that he does. I also wanted to know what kids of treatments are out there; maybe it could be some use to his family. I found two theories of treatment that were very different from each other. My goal is to describe what autism is and then compare then Linwood Method and the Bio-Medical Approach. What is Autism?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Autism was not classified as a separate syndrome until 1943 by Doctor Leo Kanner, a child psychologist at John Hopkins Medical School. HE described it as: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Early onset- possibly from birth, but certainly before age two and a half †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social and emotional impairment- often shows up at birth †¢Ã‚  &nb... ...around them. I have seen with my own eyes how much patience it takes to be the family of a child with autism. It takes a very special person or group of people to handle it as well as I have seen. References Celiac Disease. National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. 30 April 2003   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Genes and Disease. The National Center for Biotechnology Information. 30 April 2003 .section.234 German Measles or Rubella. Medinfo. 30 April 2003   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ McCandless, Jacquelyn. Children With Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide For   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Autism Spectrum Disorder. Canada: Bramble Books, 2002 Park, Clara Claiborne. Exiting Nirvana: A Daughter’s Life with Autism. 1st Edition. New   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  York: Little, Brown and Company, 2001 Simons, Jeanne and Sabine Oishi. The Hidden Child: The Linwood Method for Reaching   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Autistic Child. Maryland: Woodbine House, 1985

Codes of Ethics are the Most Effective Method of Instilling Ethical Beh

Documentations that state significant philosophical principles and make clear the values depicted within an organisation are known as ethical codes. For these codes to be considered effective they are required to be able to define the responsibilities of an organisation to stakeholders, the conduct expected of employees (Kaptein & Wempe, 2002) and articulate the ethical parameters of the organization as to what is acceptable and what is not (Stevens, 1994). While behaviour of course, refers to the ethical behaviour of individuals in organizations. Employee behaviours are purposely designed to be affected by codes, regardless of the extent of the script. As much as codes are used to enhance social responsibility and explain the norms and values of the organisation, it would be equally important to consider how codes can influence behaviour. Numerous systems and methods in conjunction with the embedment of ethical codes will be considered to exhibit the effects of ethical behaviour; these include analysing the link between control mechanisms and correlating them to the primary components of a management system. As well as portraying how an ethical culture and successful communication stream enhances ethical behaviour amongst employees. In effect these methods are used as an overall message, created by the corporation in an attempt to instil behaviour and effect change through explicit statements of acceptable behaviour (Stevens, 1994). Codes of ethics are written to guide behaviour, and so any analysis of the impact of a code must include how well it affects behaviour. Contemporary social psychological research such as those done by Ferrell and Gresham as part of their contingency model suggest that, â€Å"Ethics related corporate ... .... C. and W. D. Richardson: 1994, 'Ethical Decision Making: A Review of the Empirical Litera ture', Jo urnal of Business Ethics 13, 203-221. 11. Bowden, P & Smythe, B. (2008). Making codes of ethics meaningful and effective. Keeping Good Companies. 1 (1), 584-588. 12. Stevens, B. (2008). Corporate Ethical Codes: Effective Instruments For Influencing Behavior? . Journal of Business Ethics. 78 (4), 601-609. 13. Trevino, L. K., G. R. Weaver, D. Gibson and B. L Toeffler: 1999, 'Managing Ethics and Legal Compli ance: What Works and What Hurts', California Management Review 41 (2), 131-151. 14. Schwartz, M.: 2004, 'Effective Corporate Codes of Ethics: Perceptions of Code Users', Journal of Business Ethics 55, 323-343. 15. IFAC. (2007). Defining and Developing an Effective Code of Conduct for Organizations . Professional Accountants in Business Committee. 1 (3), 8-21.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Music Therapy for Autistic Children :: Music, Music Therapy

When a child is diagnosed with autism, one thing that is noted is the lack of eye contact. Music therapy works to help this in numerous ways. When the therapist starts at the child’s level, according to the British Colombian Music therapy association, they can base what needs to be done and how to do it off of where the child is and after many sessions, where they are now (M-7). According to a report in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, â€Å"Eye contact – this refers to an event where child looks at therapist while playing, manipulating† (E-7). A way that in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders is using music therapy instead of play therapy as it increases turn taking and eye contact more than when play therapy is used (E-4). Eye Contact was even proved to be held longer during this study when the child was participating in music therapy activities than when they were in regular play activities(E-1). When a mother was quoted on the British Columbian Music Therapy website, she stated that the â€Å"skills and abilities acquired in the music therapy setting generalize widely across situations. VII. Turn Taking The music therapist has to reach the child to be able to interact with them and help them. When the child feels free and unthreatened, the British Colombian Music Therapy association says that they get more out of the session. When they are not being told don’t this, don’t do that, and NO for everything they do to express themselves. Music therapy gives them that way to express themselves without being yelled at and told NO (M-8). The Tympo and Rhythm of the instruments is not just a way for the children express themselves, it even stops reminding them of when they were in the womb. The British Colombia MTA states that the tympo and Rhythm gets the child to progress from the rocking motion when they were in the womb and as a baby. It gives them a new independent feel (M-6). As music therapy is one of the cutting edge therapies according to Ken Siri and Tony Lyons, this helps develop motor skills for the child to interact with the instruments (A-2). According to an article in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, â€Å"Turn Taking – This refers to an event involving a sequence of turns to play alternating between the child and Therapist.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Oedipus Tyrannus Essay

Oedipus Trynnus was Sophocles masterpiece and it occupies a key place in the Greek’s mythologies and probably the most famous. This Sophocles’s piece of work is also referred to as Oedipus Rex and was performed for the time in C429Bc. It was a play that was set in Thebes, a city that had been rocked by plague. In this mythology, the mother of Oedipus committed suicide by hanging herself while his real son Oedipus self exiled himself after he learned the truth that he had married his own biological mother. Oedipus had been abandoned by his father after the oracle told him that he would suffer in the hands of his own son and for this reason he ordered him to be killed. As he was ordered, shepherd refused to kill the child and gave it to another shepherd after he was unable to raise the child himself who then gave it to a childless king of Colinth, Polybus. He was raised and brought up in his courtyard until he was fully mature. All this time he never knew that those were not his real parents but through rumors, he learned that they were not his real parents and he felt like killing the king, Polybus. He decided to consult the Oracle over this issue but it declined to tell the truth although he later established the truth. The oracle seemed to ignore his question and instead told him that he would mate with his own mother and that he would shed the blood of his own sire with his own hands. (Sophocles, Meineck P, and Woodruff P. 2000) Oedipus pretended not to be hurt and continued to believe that Merope and Polybus were his real parents. Later he contemplated of leaving Corinth for Thebes to avoid the thoughts of killing them. On his way to Thebes on his chariot, he met a man whom they disagreed over who had the right to pass first. As the quarrel ensued, due to his arrogance Oedipus killed him but this was part of the prophecy that he would kill his parents using his own hands. He was not aware that that was his biological father. This action cannot be blamed on him that he killed his own father for it was a prophecy that he would shed the blood of his own sire and so he did. What should be known is that Oedipus was just fulfilling the prophecy of the oracle although he was doing this unconsciously. At time went on, Crossby H. (1860) he managed to solve a riddle that had left many baffled. This was known as Sphinx’s riddle and the riddle was, â€Å"what walks on four legs in the morning then at noon it uses two legs and in the evening on three legs? † Sphinx never imagined that anybody would unravel the mystery and so when it was done, she threw herself off the cliff side. Although again not aware of what Oedipus did, saving the world from the curse, he opened himself another door by being made the king and in addition he was given queen Jocasta to marry. This was her real mother but he was not aware. At this juncture oracle’s prophecy could be said to have materialized although none of the key players was aware even Oedipus himself despite the fact that he had been briefed by the Oracle. Immediately after he assumed the throne (Sophocles. 2006), he was promised a Prague by the gods for the murder of Laius. For this reason, he took it upon himself to look for the killer although he was not aware that he was the murderer. In aid of the search, a blind prophet, Tiresias was approached so that he would assist in bringing the killers to book. Soon, he was given a warning not to follow the matter and was blamed by the king of killing the man. In his retaliation he told the king that he was looking for himself something that made the king to look incredulous. The king in his reaction accused Teresias of being in conspiracy with Jocasta’s brother Creon to overthrow him. (Seagal C. 2000) It should be understood that the king had no other option apart from doing that because he was obliged to do so by the oracle although he was not aware that he was fulfilling the prophecy that had been made earlier to him that he would kill his own sire using his bare hands and the same happened when he killed the man over the chariot’s passage rights. Again as it had already prophesied that he would sleep with his own mother, the same happened when he married Jocasta, the queen who was given to him after she unraveled Sphinx’s riddle something that saved Thebes’s kingdom from gods’ curse. So he was just accomplishing what was predestined to happen in his life by the Oracle. He had no power to reverse this and so he was not to be blamed for his actions. If Oedipus knew that the man whom he quarreled with was his father and that the lady that was given to him as a reward was his biological mother, he wouldn’t have done what he did and so he was innocent and should not be blamed for his actions. (Crossby H. 1860) Oedipus came to learn the naked truth when king Polybus who raised Oedipus died and a messenger who was the only witness to the murder of Lais came to Thebes to convey the message of Polybus’ death (Wilson A. 994). He had run away from Thebes because he did not want to be the one that would reveal the secret. He kept his secret and the truth came to the right when the second messenger accompanied by a shepherd told him that his real parentage was unknown. While they were still seated there, her wife told him the truth something that hurt him very m uch. The truth was that he was the kid who was abandoned by Laius after he was told by the oracle that he would bring suffering to his own father. After this, his wife ran away and committed suicide by hanging herself and when the king learned of his death from his messenger he gouged his eyes out with the golden brooches that were on Jacasta’s dress. (Hunt A. J. 1937) This left him a confused man and that was why he blinded himself so that he would never meet his father in the after world. He even decided to exile himself leaving his children in the hands of Jocanta’s brother, care. At first he insisted to have the company of the children but Creon refused. In short though unaware, all his actions were predetermined and he was just doing what was in the Oracle’s design.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mrs. Walters

Throughout my stay my mom was consistently dirty, and the bathroom fixtures were rusty. Additionally, I had to request fresh towels each evening of my stay. To make matters worse, the casino was extremely loud and the music did not stop until 3 A. M. I complained to the Front Desk Manager, Rail Rodriguez, and requested another room but was told there were no other rooms available. No one from the hotel addressed my concerns and I was told repeatedly that housekeeping had been alerted to my complaints. Despite my repeated complaints, my room was never properly cleaned and was never furnished with fresh towels.Because of the casino noise, I was unable to sleep comfortably for two nights. Hence, my time spent In Puerco Rice was nerve-wracking. The cost of a room with a king sized bed and an ocean view, at the time of my booking, was $190 per night and I stayed for 3 nights. In Dalton, a resort charge of 20% was added to my bill. As this accommodation was prepaid through expelled. Com, I was told that I could not request a refund at the hotel. Considering that I made several complaints that were documented and showed patience In walling for the situations to be Improved, I am writing to request that I be refunded the cost of my accommodation.The customer service for this branch needs to be Improved. The Front Desk Manager should be more sensitive to the needs of your guests. Additionally, housekeeping routines should be consistent. It Is extremely distressing for a traveler to experience such poor service. With this In mind, I think It only reasonable for your company to refund the cost for my stay at you San Juan hotel. Sincerely, Mrs.. Walters By [email  protected] Com San Juan, Puerco Rice, 00785 I am a frequent traveler but this is the first time I have stayed in your San Juan hotel. Two nights. Hence, my time spent in Puerco Rice was nerve-wracking.The cost of a per night and I stayed for 3 nights. In addition, a resort charge of was added to my bill. As thi s accommodation was prepaid through expedited. Com, I was told that I that were documented and showed patience in waiting for the situations to be improved, I am writing to request that I be refunded the cost of my accommodation. The customer service for this branch needs to be improved. The Front Desk Manager routines should be consistent. It is extremely distressing for a traveler to experience such poor service. With this in mind, I think it only reasonable for your company to

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Bad Spell for a Worst Witch Essay

Mildred Hubble returns to Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches for her second year, determined to lose her embarrassing reputation as â€Å"the worst witch in the school†. After Maud Moonshine and Enid Nightshade arrive, the three bump into two first-years (one of whom reminds Mildred very strongly of someone, the other with ginger frizzy hair in bunches). The one who seems familiar bursts into tears and clings onto Mildred when she hears that a lot of the teachers (including Miss Hardbroom) are quite strict. Mildred also accidentally slips a made-up story about Miss Hardbroom turning a student into a frog when she was just two seconds late for a lesson. To the girl’s horror, they also learn that Miss Hardbroom will be replacing Miss Gimlett as their form-mistress for their second year. The next morning, a fire bell rings. Mildred scrambles into her clothes but notices outisde her window Miss Hardbroom standing in the playground surrounded by hazy purple smoke. Thinking she is in a state of shock, Mildred tries to douse her in freezing cold water but the bucket slips off her broomstick and lands with a clang on Miss Hardbroom’s head. See more:  Capital budgeting essay After witnessing the bucket incident between Mildred and Miss Hardbroom, Ethel Hallow confronts Mildred at lunchtime saying that the girl she told the frog story to was her younger sister, Sybil Hallow. After prodding at Mildred, Mildred loses her temper and insults Ethel’s family (â€Å"All you Hallows are weeds, weeds, weeds! â€Å"). After an unfortunate flying lesson, where Tabby makes another terrifying attempt to avoid sitting on the end of the broomstick, Miss Hardbroom sends Mildred to her room to calm down. When sitting in her bed, however, Mildred accidentally falls asleep and doesn’t hear Ethel creeping into her room. Mildred is awoken by her bedroom door shutting only to find that everything looks giant-sized, even Tabby. She peeks in the mirror only to find that somebody has turned her into a frog. Whe jumping onto her bed, the frog-Mildred notices a tatty handful of weeds on her pillow, no doubt left by Ethel as a reference to her family’s insult and why she turned her into the frog. Panicking, Mildred squeezes under the gap under her bedroom door and hops off to a potions lesson where everyone has noticed that she has disappeared. Miss Hardbroom, however, discovers her and puts her in a jar. During the potions lesson, Mildred manages to escape from the jar and hops over to Ethel’s desk where she drinks an invisibility potion that turns her invisible. Taking advantage of her invisibility, the frog-Mildred hops out of the academy and lands in the lilypond on the castle grounds. In the lilypond, Mildred meets another frog who also was a human once called Algernon Rowan-Webb. Algernon reveals that he was turned into a frog by one of his fellow magicians after the two had an argument. Algernon also reveals that the one thing he is craving is some toats and crumpets with butter. Promising to come back for him, Mildred hops back up to the academy where Maud and Enid instantly recognise her. They take her to Ethel where she reluctantly turns her back into a human. Miss Hardbroom comes by and Ethel tells her that she caught Maud, Enid, and Mildred sneaking around the school. Miss Hardbroom is just about to give Mildred a punishment, when she notices that Mildred’s feet are still invisible. Mildred tells Miss Hardbroom what really happened. Miss Hardbroom tells Mildred and Ethel to go to her office the next day. In the morning, Mildred and Ethel have a brief squabble about who’s fault it was until Miss Hardbroom turns up. After the full story is explained, Miss Hardbroom bans both of them from attending the Halloween ceremonies (which was the only chance Mildred would have to come into contact with a magician who could turn Algernon back into a human). With no other options, Mildred feels she has no choice but to kidnap somebody who is going to the Halloween festival. She tricks a third-year witch, Griselda Blackwood, into looking under her bed for an imaginary beetle where Mildred ties her up and gags her and takes her cat. Later, Ethel discovers Griselda being held captive in Mildred’s room and the two fly off to the festival to turn Mildred in. Mildred gives herself away and barges up to Mr. Hellibore where she gives him the box that contains Algernon. Mr. Hellibore, who was one of Algernon’s fellow magicians at the time of his transformation, turns him back to his human form. As a last request from Mildred, Mr. Hellibore magic’s up a pot of tea along with some toast and crumpets with butter. The three head off to enjoy the supper.