Thursday, August 27, 2020

Roberto del Rosario, Inventor of a Karaoke Machine

Roberto del Rosario, Inventor of a Karaoke Machine Roberto del Rosario (1936â€2007) was the leader of the now-outdated Trebel Music Corporation, an establishing individual from the Filipino novice jazz band The Executives Band Combo, and, in 1975, the creator of the Karaoke Sing Along System. Known as Bert, del Rosario licensed in excess of 20 developments during his lifetime, making him one of the most productive of Filipino creators. Quick Facts: Roberto del Rosario Known For: Holds the 1975 patent for the Karaoke Sing-Along SystemBorn: 1936 in Pasay City, PhilippinesParents: Teofilo del Rosario and Consolacion LegaspiDied: August 2003Education: No proper melodic educationSpouse: Eloisa Vistan (d. 1979)Children: 5 Early Life Roberto del Rosario was conceived in Pasay City, Philippines, in 1936, the child of Teofilo del Rosario and Consolacion Legaspi. He never got proper music instruction however figured out how to play the piano, drums, marimba, and xylophone by ear. He was an establishing individual from The Executive Combo Band, a notable beginner jazz band headed by post-World War II Filipino lawmaker Raã ºl Sevilla Manglapus and planner Francisco Bobby Maã ±osa. The band began in 1957 and played in gigs everywhere throughout the world, sticking with any semblance of Duke Ellington and Bill Clinton. Roberto del Rosario wedded Eloisa Vistan and together they had five kids; Eloisa passed on in 1979. In Taytay, Rizal-under the business name Trebel (Treb is Bert spelled in reverse and El is for his better half)- del Rosario fabricated harpsichords and the OMB, or One-Man-Band, a piano with an implicit synthesizer, cadence box, and bass pedals that would all be able to be played simultaneously. He additionally created and protected a singalong machine utilizing less one innovation (initially on tape tapes) in which vocals are deducted from surviving instrumental tracks. Del Rosario is one of a few people who are related with the innovation of a karaoke machine. Karaoke is a compound Japanese word from karappo importance unfilled and o-kestura meaning symphony. In some cases interpreted as unfilled symphony, the expression implies something closer to the ensemble is drained of vocals. Music Minus One Short one innovation has its underlying foundations in old style music recording. The Music Minus One organization was established in 1950 in Westchester, New York by old style music understudy Irv Kratka: Their items are proficient melodic chronicles with one track, vocal or instrumental, expelled, to permit an artist to rehearse alongside the experts at home. Multi-track recording was created in 1955, and the innovation to expel one track opened up to proficient artists and distributers a while later, fundamentally to permit them to alter the track balance or rerecord them to show signs of improvement sound. By the 1960s, Minus one innovation was utilized by vagrant Filipino melodic work force, who utilized the innovation in line with their advertisers and record names, who needed to spare expenses by recruiting less performers. In 1971, Daisuke Inoue was a console and vibraphone reinforcement player in a very good quality Kobe, Japan, bar, and his capacities were in extraordinary interest at client parties. A client needed him to perform at a gathering yet he was excessively occupied, and he recorded the reinforcement music on tape and offered it to the client. From that point onward, Inoue amassed a group of a gadgets pro, a carpenter, and a furniture finisher, and together they fabricated the main karaoke machine utilizing 8-track tapes, total with amplifier and reverberation impact, called the 8-Juke. Inoue rented his 8-Juke machines to common laborers bars coming up short on the financial plan to employ live, in-house performers in the nightlife center point of Kobe. His coin-worked 8-Juke machines highlighted Japanese norms and famous tracks recorded by support artists without vocals in 1971â€1972. He plainly made the primary karaoke machine, however didnt he patent or benefit from it-and later he denied he was an innovator by any stretch of the imagination, asserting he basically consolidated a vehicle sound system, a coin box, and a little amp. The Sing Along System Roberto del Rosario designed his rendition of a karaoke machine somewhere in the range of 1975 and 1977, and in his licenses (UM-5269 on June 2, 1983 and UM-6237 on November 14, 1986) he depicted his chime in framework as a convenient, multi-reason, minimized machine that consolidates an enhancer speaker, a couple of tape instruments, a discretionary tuner or radio, and an amplifier blender with highlights to upgrade ones voice, for example, the reverberation or reverb to reproduce a show corridor or a studio sound. The entire framework was encased in one bureau packaging. The fundamental explanation we are aware of del Rosarios commitment is on the grounds that he sued Japanese organizations for patent encroachment during the 1990s. In the legal dispute, the Philippine Supreme Court chose in del Rosarios favor. He won the legitimate acknowledgment and a portion of the cash, yet at long last, the Japanese producers received the greater part of the rewards by later developments. Different Inventions Other than his popular Karaoke Sing Along System Roberto del Rosario has additionally developed: Trebel Voice Color Code (VCC)Piano tuners guidePiano console focusing on deviceVoice shading tape Sources Music Minus One. Music Dispatch, 2019.Roberto Bert del Rosario (Mr. Trebel) Facebook.The Joaquins. Bert del Rosario is Karaoke designer! My Family and that's just the beginning, June 5, 2007. Roberto L. Del Rosario, Petitioner, Vs. Court Of Appeals And Janito Corporation, Respondents [G.R. No. 115106]. Incomparable Court of the Philippines, March 15, 1996.Soliman Michelle, Anne P. National Artist for Architecture Francisco Bobby Maã ±osa, 88. Business World, February 22, 2019.Tongson, Karen. Void Orchestra: The Karaoke Standard and Pop Celebrity. Open Culture 27.1 (75) (2015): 85-108. Print.Xun, Zhou and Fancesca Tarocco. Karaoke: the Global Phenomenon. London: Reaktion Books, 2007.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dracula and Kenneth Essay Example for Free

Dracula and Kenneth Essay The high edge shot and outrageous since quite a while ago shot looking down at Dracula and Harker crossing through the corridor. This shot causes to notice Draculas incredibly long red cape gushing out behind him like a path of blood. The low point shot shows Dracula approaching over Harker and makes him look amazing, similar to he is in charge. Numerous two shots are utilized to permit the crowd to make correlations between the two characters. The low edge shot is additionally used to underscore the shadows developments. The low lighting assists with throwing Draculas shadow which is again run of the mill of frightfulness. Draculas frightful shadow moving in the despair is extremely viable for terrifying the crowd as the mix of shadow with flame light works incredibly well for this scene. This flame light makes the bleak viewpoint progressively present as the stronghold is tremendous and there are not a lot of candles so the greater part of the passageway lobby would be past the span of the light and in haziness, which makes it extremely terrifying as you don't have a clue what prowls in the unhappiness. There is symphonic music played by the strings which go low and delayed to make a vile climate. This music adds to the sentiment of strain, the inclination that something will occur. The music gets stronger and faster when Harker affronts Dracula by snickering and Dracula gets enraged and pulls out a blade. This joined with the difference in pace and volume of the music causes the crowd to get apprehensive, a run of the mill stunt of ghastliness. There are a wide range of audio cues in this scene from Dracula. There is the crying of the savage wolves, which alarms the crowd and makes the component of ghastliness and ferocity of the setting all the more clear. There was the thunder, which is commonplace of a blood and gore flick. The thumping of the enormous, metal entryways accentuates the sentiment of the quality and inevitability of the manor and that Harker won't have the option to get away and this will be his jail for a mind-blowing remainder. Harkers outfit is run of the mill of a man of those occasions. He wears a suit and is perfectly introduced. He has his hair brushed cautiously. Draculas is totally different. He wears a colossal red robe which trails out behind him like blood. His hair is nestled into and is white and it blends in with the skin on the rear of his neck which makes him look abnormal and frightening. His skin is white and wrinkled like an elderly person and this makes the impact that he has been depleted of all his blood and that causes you to comprehend his desire for blood and the manner in which he discusses the value of blood. It makes him look extremely startling and viable, practically dead as it were. It likewise makes him look fascinating and irregular. He would captivate everyone of typical individuals. There were many likenesses between the film separate and the content; both were set in a colossal, Gothic palace with an immense patio. The stone was hugely cut and the entryway was old and studded. Both had crawling shadows and lamps. In both the film separate and the content, Dracula is depicted as having shaggy palms (unusual), bountiful hair, a remarkable whiteness as he is pale, he is depicted just like an elderly person in both and he is additionally comparatively depicted as talking with a weird pitch (remote emphasize). The likenesses between the film remove and the content with Harker is that in both they depict his sentiments of tension and his intersection of the limit is made huge. The distinctions are that in the content, Dracula is portrayed as having thick eyebrows and a mustache while in the film separate he has a plain face. In the content, Dracula is wearing all dark while in the film he is wearing white which accentuates his whiteness with a red cape that is all the more capably visual as seeming as though blood streaming behind him. Additionally in the content Dracula is depicted as having a red mouth with protuberant, pointed teeth while in the film he is appeared as having a pale mouth and typical teeth. The chief uses this look so as to make Dracula appear as though an ordinary human, adding to the sentiment of puzzle encompassing him, and to make him not quite the same as the stereotypic picture of Dracula. Outline These two movies draw in an advanced crowd in the manner in which the movies utilize astute stunts to give tension, which can be neglected in a portion of the more current thrillers that depend on the measure of blood that comes out as opposed to shrewd shooting and jittery minutes. To put it plainly, Dracula and Frankenstein were fundamentally the same as in the manner that they depicted the run of the mill ghastliness deceives and comprised of comparable camera edges to one another point out different bits. I imagined that Dracula, both the composed concentrate and the film extricate fitted the frightfulness sort somewhat better than Frankenstein as it was increasingly acceptable for me. I likewise believed that the film remove was substantially more startling, in spite of the fact that Frankenstein wasnt terrible and had its snapshots of dismay. My last perspectives were that Dracula was all in all recorded better than Frankenstein as it utilized the diverse camera edges all the more viably as I would see it. Andrew Baillie 10ALB Show see just The above review is unformatted content This understudy composed bit of work is one of numerous that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley segment.

Friday, August 21, 2020

How Can You Use Persuasive Essay Samples To Help You Write Persuasive Papers?

How Can You Use Persuasive Essay Samples To Help You Write Persuasive Papers?Now that you have read this article, I'm sure you will have a better understanding of why persuasive essay samples are so important. You must be excited about the essays that you will write. With persuasive essay samples, you will be able to reach a large audience. And, the audience you will reach is the one that you need in order to get a high grade on your homework.What you need is quality hand-written copies. There are many types of persuasive essay samples available on the Internet. All of them are based on the same idea. The main idea behind the essays is to persuade the reader to think a certain way about the subject matter of the paper.These types of essays are written for college students. The purpose of the essay is to convince the college student to look at the paper in a different way. There are several reasons that college students will read a paper in a particular way. The main reason is because they are unsure of what to think about the paper.College students love to think. They are afraid to make a decision because of their fear of making a wrong one. College students need someone to help them through the process of thinking and deciding on a certain topic. You can choose from a number of persuasive essay samples and a variety of topic areas that are written for college students.Of course, these persuasive essay samples are not written just for college students. You should be able to find one to fit the interests of the reader. To make the writing easier, you should be able to start with a topic that you know a lot about. You can go with a topic that you know is hot right now. It doesn't really matter what the topicis, but it is what you know that matters the most.Choose your own bedtime. There are persuasive essay samples that are based on the story of the mother who loves her baby and that are also based on the story of the daughter who is afraid of her father. You can choose any type of essay, but make sure that you pick a topic that you know is interesting.How do you determine what your own bedtime is? You don't really have to figure it out. Your bedtime is when you go to sleep. So, you need to decide on that time each night and stick to it. The problem is that it is harder to get into a routine that is exactly the same every night than it is to get into a routine that is different every night.Your own bedtime will not be the same every night, but you will want to choose a topic that you know is interesting. That's really all there is to it. What's important is that you find a way to do this and stick to it. Make sure that you choose a persuasive essay sample that makes sense to you. You can do this by asking yourself a series of questions to make sure that you will be able to understand the information you are reading.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Arab Nationalist Fervor Syria - 1875 Words

In the mid-twentieth century, an Arab nationalist fervor overtook Syria, leading to a series of coups which would eventually install the ostensibly socialist Ba’ath party at the head of state -- a rule that lasts tenuously to the present day. In the chaos of the aftermath of European occupation the seeds were sown for the conflict that rends Syria today as a nation struggles to define itself outside of the context of both factionalist terrorism and the autocratic al-Assad regime which has reigned since that period. When Hafez al-Assad, father of current president Bashar al-Assad, came to power in 1970 he seized the whole of the nation’s political power, placing it firmly in the hands of his family and therefore those of the military†¦show more content†¦The initial protests that sparked the Syrian Civil War occurred in the context of the Arab Spring, a series of mass protests and uprisings that overtook the region beginning with the Tunisian uprising sparked by the self-immolation of a political dissident. The Tunisian Uprising ultimately led to the actual overthrow of the Tunisian government, but affairs were not to conclude so decisively in Syria. The Arab Spring protests writ large were inspired by Middle Easterners’ dissatisfaction with governments they viewed as overly repressive, corrupt, and non-representative, and the Assad regime, grown bloated and corrupt through forty-plus years of uninterrupted rule, certainly fit the bill. The Syrian government reacted in a predictably authoritarian fashion to protests, restricting movement and imprisoning those found guilty of supposedly seditious activities through the spring and summer of 2011, including simple anti-government graffiti (Fahim and Saad). Eventually, the military began to resort to open tactical opposition against mostly unarmed protestors, moving to militarily pacify the city of Daraa where the protests had begun in the late spring (BBC). Military dominance, though t aken for granted in a nation that had been ruled

Friday, May 15, 2020

Enterprise Reporting and News Stories

To a good reporter, many stories are obviously important to cover – a house fire, a homicide, an election, a new state budget. But what about those slow news days when breaking news is sparse and there aren’t any interesting press releases worth checking out? Those are the days when good reporters are working on what they call â€Å"enterprise stories.† They’re the kind of stories that many reporters find the most rewarding to do. What Is Enterprise Reporting? Enterprise reporting involves stories not based on press releases or news conferences. Instead, enterprise reporting is all about the stories a reporter digs up on his or her own, what many people call â€Å"scoops.† Enterprise reporting goes beyond merely covering events. It explores the forces shaping those events. For instance, we’ve all heard stories about recalls of faulty and possibly dangerous products related to children like cribs, toys and car seats. But when a team of reporters at the Chicago Tribune looked into such recalls they discovered a pattern of inadequate governmental regulation of such items. Likewise, New York Times reporter Clifford J. Levy did a series of investigative stories that uncovered widespread abuse of mentally ill adults in state-regulated homes. Both the Tribune and Times projects won Pulitzer prizes. Finding Ideas for Enterprise Stories So how can you develop your own enterprise stories? Most reporters will tell you that uncovering such stories involves two key journalistic skills: observation and investigation. Observation Observation, obviously, involves seeing the world around you. But while we all observe things, reporters take observation one step further by using their observations to generate story ideas. In other words, a reporter who sees something interesting almost invariably asks himself, â€Å"could this be a story?† Let’s say you stop at a gas station to fill up your tank. You see the price of a gallon of gas has risen again. Most of us would grumble about it, but a reporter might ask, â€Å"Why is the price rising?† Here’s an even more mundane example: You’re in the grocery store and notice that the background music has changed. The store used to play the kind of sleepy orchestral stuff that probably no one under 70 would enjoy. Now the store is playing pop tunes from the 1980s and 1990s. Again, most of us would take little notice of this, but a good reporter would ask, â€Å"Why did they change the music?† Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes, and Trends Notice that both examples involve changes – in the price of gas, in the background music played. Changes are something reporters always look for. A change, after all, is something new, and new developments are what reporters write about. Enterprise reporters also look for changes that occur over time - trends, in other words. Discovering a trend is often a great way to start an enterprise story. Why Ask Why? You’ll notice that both examples involve the reporter asking â€Å"why† something was happening. â€Å"Why† is probably the most important word in any reporter’s vocabulary. A reporter who asks why something is happening is beginning the next step of enterprise reporting: investigation. Investigation Investigation is really just a fancy word for reporting. It involves doing the interviews and digging up the information to develop an enterprise story. An enterprise reporter’s first task is to do some initial reporting to see if there really is an interesting story to be written about (not all interesting observations turn out to be interesting news stories.) The next step is to gather the material needed to produce a solid story. So the reporter investigating the rise in gas prices might discover that a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico has slowed oil production, causing the price spike. And the reporter probing the changing background music might find that it’s all about the fact that the big grocery shoppers these days – parents with growing kids – came of age in the 1980s and 1990s and want to hear music that was popular in their youth. Example: A Story About Underage Drinking Lets take one more example, this one involving a trend. Lets say youre the police reporter in your hometown. Every day youre in police headquarters, checking the arrest log. Over a period of several months, you notice a spike in arrests for underage drinking among students from the local high school. You interview the cops to see if beefed-up enforcement is responsible for the increase. They say no. So you interview the principal of the high school as well as teachers and counselors. You also talk to students and parents and discover that, for a variety of reasons, underage drinking is increasing. So you write a story about the problems of underage drinking and how its on the rise in your hometown. What youve produced is an enterprise story, one not based on a press release or a news conference, but on your own observation and investigation. Enterprise reporting can encompass everything from feature stories (the one about changing background music would probably fit that category) to more serious investigative pieces, like the ones cited above by the Tribune and Times.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Projects # 1,3,5 Example

Essays on Projects # 1,3,5 Speech or Presentation Insert and box number here) MA 120 BID: 294 18 February Project 5: Linear Programming Applications An automobile manufacturer makes cars and trucks in a factory that is divided into two shops. Shop 1, which performs basic assembly, must work five man-days on each truck, but only two man-days on each car. Shop 2, which performs finishing operations, must work three man-days for each car or truck it produces. Because of men and machine limitations, Shop 1 has 180 man-days per week available, while Shop 2 has 135 man-days per week. If the manufacturer makes a profit of $300 on each truck and $200 on each car, how many of each should be produced to maximize profit?The variables when solving this particular equation include the man-days, and the machine limitations. The constraints presented in this particular problem are the man-days available per week, which vary depending on shop and task. The objective function of this particular equation is to determine the best way to maximize profi ts based upon vehicles produced. Solution: Let x be the number of trucks and y the number of cars to be produced on a weekly basis. 5x + 2y = 1803x + 3y = 135A= ( 5 2 3 3), B = (180 135), C = 300,200Maximum problem: The vector x must be determined so that the weekly profit, as detailed by quantity cx, is a maximum which is subject to the inequality constraints Ax = b and x = 0. The inequality constraints work to insure that the weekly number of available man-days is not exceeded, and that there are no non-negative quantities of automobiles or trucks produced. The graph of the convex set of possible x vectors is presented above. The extreme points of the convex set C are: T (0 0). T2 = (36 0), T3 = (0 45) and T4 (30 15)/To solve the equation the function cx= 300x +200y must be tested at each of these points. The values taken are 0, 10800, 9000, and 12000.The maximum weekly profit is $12,000 and is achieved by producing 30 trucks and 15 cars per week.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Case Study on Database Management System-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Case study on Database Management System. Answer: Introduction Being a graduate with a degree in IT, database designing and administration, I have been employed by the IT start-up company. Here the focus is mainly on handling the database which is stored to connect to each other and to make a relationship between the data. The database should provide a proper security when the multiple users are accessing the system where each user will have the own level of rights to see the database. Some of them will be allowed to see the whole database like the managers to keep a check on the services and the maintenance history. (Zahid, Masood Shibli, 2014). With this, there is a proper evaluation of the database performance for determining the software requirements, evaluation criteria and the performance features. Security Factors affecting company database performance There are different database security risks which are a major concern to identify the risks factors and are considered to have a major effect on the security and the efficient functioning. The data tampering is harming the privacy of communication to ensure that the data could not easily be modified or viewed when set in transit. For this, the data modification attack need to handle the unauthorised party on the network intercepts with changing it before retransmission. The data theft is where the data is stored and then transmitted in a secured manner. There is a need to handle the valuable data which is open to view the interested parties and LAN environment is set with the insiders to access the physical wiring that could view the data that is not intended for the users[1]. The falsification of user identities and then focusing on how the user is able to satisfy the identity to gain access to any type of sensitive information. One can steal other personal data and setup any type o f credit accounts. The password related threats need to be handled where the users must be able to remember the different passwords for the applications. This is done through selecting the easy-to-guess password with choosing a standardised password. (Modi et al., 2013). The unauthorised access to the tables and columns need to be handled to protect the data at different levels. The unauthorised access to data rows tend to contain all the information which is important and available to users to access the table. The example for this is the shared environment business to access the data where the customers would be also able to see the orders. The lack of accountability is there with inability to track the user activities where the users cannot be held responsible for any type of actions. (Modi et al., 2013). There is a need to check on the complex user management requirements where the system support a larger number of users and are scalable as well. The larger scale environment is set with the burden to handle the management of user accounts and passwords that make a system vulnerable to the error and the attacks. There are issues related to the operating system vulnerability where the system and the services are mainly related to handle the unauthorised access. The issues are related to the weak auditing trials where the stringent regulatory compliance is set to handle the logging of the sensitive or the unusual transactions which are happening in the database. The focus is mainly on the operations where the database users are provided with the access to the abusing intentionally or unintentionally. Mitigation Strategies The physical environment needs to be maintained with increased database security that is set at the network level. It also presents the opportunities which is for bad actors and to compromise the physical devices as well. (Malik et al., 2016) The security issues are related to the network and assessing the weak points in the network and how the company tends to connect with the database. Access Control: the access control is the ability to handle different proportions of the database so that one can access to the data. With this, the focus is on the differentiated forms of tables, views, rows and the columns that are set for handling the authorisation process. If the access goes in the hands of the wrong people, then the entire database of the company can be leaked which can cause problems to the owner as well as the employees (Alassafi et al., 2016). Auditing: This is important to handle the performance of the security vulnerability scans and then reviewing the applications and other operating system with their access control. The database auditing logs needs to be handled with no misuse of the same. It also requires overseeing the database privileges and then handling the update of the user access accounts. The auditor role is for providing granularity to allow a separation from the authority of the administrator. (Ondiege Clarke, 2017). The issues can be related to the events to record a specific subset. Authentication: There are times when the users are not authenticated, and they tend to hamper the security of the data. hence, it is important to look for the security system with the identity of the system users. (Li et al., 2015) It is important that the authentication is based on generating the passwords which should enforce certain passwords requirement like insisting to use special character. Encryption: The encryption and controls are based on protecting the information when it passes through the network and then resides on the computer. This is then preserved through the confidentiality and integrity of the data which enforce the specific paths for communication. Integrity control: The security of the system includes the data which is protected mainly from the deletion or the corruption. The system and the object privilege control access are based on application tables and commands so that referential integrity is maintained with valid relationships between the values and the database. (Kim et al., 2016). The database must be protected against the virus in order to corrupt the data. The network traffic must be protected from deletion, corruption (Singh et al., 2016). Backup: The storage is mainly responsible for the backups through the database performance with ensuring the systems from access controls to physical security. The assigning of backup of the software access rights tend to provide a backup access and then storing the backups offsite. The choice is set for the network attached storage or external drivers to be sure to control access. The corporation need to focus on the assigning of assessment risk, developing a data protection process and communicate the process. Application security: The measures need to be taken to handle the improvement of security and the finding, fixing and preventing the security standards. The focus is on the varied forms of security methods where the access control is mainly to create better policies for accessing different applications. (Mitra, 2016). Here, the database needs to be possessed with the proper access control with regulating the varied forms of the methods of security so that there is no safety risk. The focus is on post-upgrading evaluation where the database is set for the administrator and to handle the performance of the post-upgrades. Here, there is a need to ensure a proper security which is found to be consistent for the different programs. The failure is mainly about performing the operations and then handling the application spoofing where the hackers are capable of creating applications that tend to resemble the connection to database. The management of user passwords is also important so that the IT database security managers tend to forget or remove the IDs related to accessing the privilege of the former users. This leads to the vulnerabilit ies and so the passwords need to be enforced with proper rules to avoid any authorisation process. (Singh Attri, 2015). A proper security of the physical environment and strengthening the network security will help in limiting the access to the server. Along with this, there is a cut back or elimination of any unneeded features as well. With this, the denial of service attack could also be effective to handle the security patches. The Intrusion Prevention System is effective to avoid any type of periodical auditing trials. Conclusion The database security is important to handle the different loss or the corruption of data. With this, there is a possibility to work on the security measures, hardware and the software infrastructure. (Mathew et al., 2014). The major emphasis is on the decision-making process, customer service and the supply chain management. Here, the security standards are set for matching the levels where the users have access to the different resources along with transparency in the data encryption. This will enable the encryption of the sensitive data in database columns as they are stored in the operating system files. (Wang Rawal, 2017). Recommendations For handling the database, there is a need to focus on how the confidential or personal information is spread which tends to include the different trading secrets and other proprietary information about the products. It includes the details about confidentiality which has different aspects related to secured storage of sensitive data and authentication of the users. Th secured storage includes the integrity and the privacy which needs to be protected on the database. The major concern is about handling the presentation with authentication that could use the biometric or the face recognition system. This will lessen the discrepancy in the system where authorisation is also important for the system to obtain the information and work on the users who perform the data objects that the user access. The reading of authorization tends to allow a proper handling of data with inserting authorisation that allows the new data, update, deleting of the unwanted data as well. References Alassafi, M., Alharthi, A., Alenezi, A., Walters, R., Wills, G. (2016). Investigating the security factors in cloud computing adoption: towards developing an integrated framework.Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (JITST),5(2). Kim, H. B., Lee, D. S., Ham, S. (2013). Impact of hotel information security on system reliability.International Journal of Hospitality Management,35, 369-379. Li, S. H., Yen, D. C., Chen, S. C., Chen, P. S., Lu, W. H., Cho, C. C. (2015). Effects of virtualization on information security.Computer standards interfaces,42, 1-8. Malik, M., Patel, T. (2016). Database Security-Attacks and Control Methods.International Journal of Information,6(1/2). Matthew, O., Dudley, C., Moreton, R. (2014, April). A Review Of Multi-Tenant Database And Factors That Influence Its Adoption. InUKAIS(p. 22). Mitra, S. (2016).A quantitative investigation of the security factors affecting the use of IT systems in public networks(Doctoral dissertation, Trident University International). Modi, C., Patel, D., Borisaniya, B., Patel, A., Rajarajan, M. (2013). A survey on security issues and solutions at different layers of Cloud computing.The Journal of Supercomputing,63(2), 561-592. Ondiege, B., Clarke, M. (2017). Healthcare professionals perception of security of personal health devices. Singh, S., Attri, V. K. (2015). State-of-the-art Survey on Security Issues in Cloud Computing Environment. Singh, S., Jeong, Y. S., Park, J. H. (2016). A survey on cloud computing security: Issues, threats, and solutions.Journal of Network and Computer Applications,75, 200-222. Wang, Y., Rawal, B. (2017). Usability meets security: a database case study.Journal of Advanced Computer Science Technology,6(2), 33-39. Zahid, A., Masood, R., Shibli, M. A. (2014, June). Security of sharded NoSQL databases: A comparative analysis. InInformation Assurance and Cyber Security (CIACS), 2014 Conference on(pp. 1-8). IEEE

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Langston Hughes Essays

Langston Hughes Essays Langston Hughes Essay Langston Hughes Essay Essay Topic: Langston Hughes Poems The Poems of Ted Hughes Name: Course: Lecturer: Date: Langston Hughes His works have endured for long, and he has served as an inspiration to many. I believe that you should include Langston Hughes the next time you teach this class. He was one of the most noticeable personalities of the Harlem renaissance. Hughes was born in 1902, and he died of health complications in 1967 after a life of struggle and noted accomplishments. Hughes childhood was eventful. He was born in Missouri, but his parents divorced when he was still a child. His grandmother raised him in Kansas, after his father moved out of the country, and his mother moved to various places around the country looking for work. It was not until he was twelve years old that he went to live with his mother in Illinois. The family would later move to Ohio. Hughes began writing at an early age. He showed his talent while he was still in school, where he wrote poems and the school newspaper. He was diversified in his work. Rather than specialize in a specific genre, he chose to diversify his interes ts in poetry, children’s books, autobiographies, novels, plays, and essays. Hughes was proud to identify himself as a black American. He lived at a time when there was an increase in the issue of black pride. African Americans were not afraid to voice their concerns or fight for their rights. Hughes wrote a lot about this. He had enrolled at Columbia University, but he had to drop out. He would later attend Lincoln University, where he was able to complete his education. He traveled to Africa and Europe, and he returned with more confidence and pride concerning his black heritage (Tracy 9). He would often write about his life, and the life of others around him. Some of his poems include â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers†, â€Å"The Negro Mother† and â€Å"Montage of a Dream Deferred†. Other works included the essay â€Å"The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain†, where he emphasized the importance of black racial pride, and the play â€Å"Mulatto†. He also wrote autobiographies such as â€Å"I Wonder as I Wander†. His poems and other works reflected his quest for justice and equality. He also spoke against racial segregation. Despite the seriousness of the issues he wrote of, he included humor in his work. Hughes was a jazz poet. His first volume of jazz poems was the â€Å"Weary Blues†, and this earned him recognition in the literary world (Haugen 72). Hughes was a diversified writer, but he was consistent in his writing. The future class seeks to benefit from studying and discussing his works. Hughes was especially sensitive to the suffering of the lower class black American. He did not color his work with flowery language, but he wrote the reality. The future class will benefit by having a realistic view concerning life for the African American before the realization of racial equality in the country. In addition, Hughes used simple language and grammar, and this makes his work easy to read and understand. Hughes was inspired by other writers, both black and white. However, he was not afraid of differing with them concerning the issues he felt were not justified or fair. For instance, one of his inspirations was W. E. B. Dubois, who supported racial segregation. Hughes was not afraid to differ with him concerning the issue, and his work â€Å"Jim Crow’s Last Stand† reflected this (Tracy 10). Hughes’ work reflects why people consider him an outstanding author. He managed to cross obstacles and barriers that were naturally present because of his race. He was able to venture and succeed into new territories as a jazz poet. He had many lists of significant works. In addition to the mentioned works, he also wrote the â€Å"Simple† series, with titles such as â€Å"Simple Speaks his Mind†. Hughes not only fits in the Harlem renaissance movement, but he also helps define it. The literary movement began some time after the First World War and the beginning of the great depression. At this time, African American intellectuals, musicians, and literary artists flourished in the north, especially in the Harlem area of New York. Hughes has had mixed reactions from critics. Some have opposed him strongly, while others have spoken of him favorably, depending on the content of his work. Like the great literary artist he is, Hughes has not let this limit his creative abilities and ingenuity, and this has made his work enduring over the years. Haugen, Brenda. Langston Hughes: The Voice of Harlem. Minneapolis, MN: Compass Point Books, 2006. Print Tracy, C. Steven. A Historical Guide to Langston Hughes. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Print

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Arguementative Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Arguementative - Research Paper Example THESIS According the American Heritage Dictionary (2011), abortion is defined as the induced termination of a pregnancy, achieved via destruction of embryo or fetus. Abortion therefore refers to ceasing the process of child birth before the child is born. Opting for an abortion is not an easy decision, but there are many unfortunate circumstances where women find themselves with no other choice. Several reasons for opting for an abortion may include: rape pregnancies, accidental pregnancies, divorce, illness of the mother or the mother being underage etc. Abortion has for long been viewed unfavorably by most societies. In America, abortion was legalized only in five states in 1970 and in all states in 1973 (Levitt & Donohue, 2001). Women who do opt for abortion to avoid giving birth to unwanted babies face many difficulties in areas where abortion has not been legalized. If a woman is too young or unhealthy to bear a child, or if the baby is unwanted, she should have the right to ter minate her pregnancy before bringing the child to life. This will not only save an unwanted or abandoned baby from being born but will also give the woman a chance to live a healthy life and make a career after attaining whatever education she may seek chances of which would be rare if she gave birth to a baby while being in her teens. Unprepared couples or those not wanting another baby do not prove to be good parents and it is not fair for any child to be born in a home where he or she is not welcome and where his or her parents cannot support the baby. In worse cases where abortion is not an opportunity and the baby is not given for adoption either, the baby is either abandoned, or is brought up very poorly by the parents or parent. There are cases where pregnant women are murdered by their partners who are unwilling to have a baby and share the responsibility or in some extreme cases; even the newly born infants are murdered by one of the parents. All this can be avoided by taki ng a timely step namely that of abortion if contraception did not work. Even if given a chance to live, unwanted babies are deprived of normal lives where parents care for children and support them. Unwanted children often have abusive, frustrated parents who do not care for the children, resulting in unhappy lives for such children. ANTI-THESIS There are always two sides of a picture and it is pointless to prove an argument while ignoring the counter arguments available. There is some available research and literature in favor of not legalizing abortion as well. Lott and Whitley (2010), cited in UFI (2010) conducted one study to find the relationship between abortion and crime rates. They concluded that contrary to what Levitt and colleagues (2005) previously found, crime rate specially that of murders had actually increased with legalizing abortion. The researchers supporting this finding explain that with legalized abortion, pre marital and extra marital unprotected sex has also become a more encouraging option which has therefore elevated the rate of related crimes. Some people who oppose legalized abortion claim that abortion is another form of discrimination. Dr. Garton in her book ‘Who broke the baby?, cited in Murti (2006) says that we have actually conveniently excluded

Friday, February 7, 2020

Demonstrative Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Demonstrative Communication - Essay Example Nonverbal communication constitutes a significant portion of everyday communication. Despite the fact that thousands of languages exist across the world, people do not absolutely rely on words to convey their ideas to each other. Demonstrative communication can be referred to as the process of exchanging information between the sender and the receiver through nonverbal means. It happens outside the boundaries of verbal form of communication (Sonneborn, 2012). Demonstrative communication entails expression of feelings and messages in an organised manner. It is an effective way through which people understand and express their feelings or ideas to others. Demonstrative communication is made up of body physiology as well as nonverbal.Body communication involves space and appearance. Space can be crucial in delivering information. For example, while talking to someone and he tries to move closer to you or touch you, by retreating or taking a few steps backward is a show that you do not w ant the person to come closer to you or to have any body contact with him or her. Moving back will show the other party that he or she is occupying your space. Similarly, appearance plays a significant role in conveying information from the sender to the receiver. The mode of dressing, hairstyle, or even makeup application will send certain signals that convey particular information about an individual.The body language of individuals is perhaps the most understood form of demonstrative communication.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

In my everyday life how do I measure success and failure Essay Example for Free

In my everyday life how do I measure success and failure Essay The aim of this paper is to discuss how to measure success and failure in everyday life. The evaluation of the social concept of success should start with acknowledging that social definition of success varies from culture to culture and even from one social group to another. In other words, every society has its own belief about what social success is. For example, if a person drives a 2007 Jaguar and lives in a nice house, he or she is regarded as successful by society norms. People are trying to move up the social ladder because the society is placing a lot of pressure on them to belong to the highest class possible. Government uses the relationship between social class (lower, middle, and upper) to suggest that society is equally just. Growing up in the city, I could witness stereotypical views of low income families. I could witness people being discriminated because they didn’t have nice suits or dresses, and their vocabulary was not equal to or better than the person they were talking to. Sometimes the idea of social success puts too much pressure on people so they sometimes forget their morals and values. The problem is all they want to do is to reach new social status because that is what society has led them to believe and what society expects of them. My grandfather often cited a southern saying that reads as follows: â€Å"Money is the root of all evil. † Through the years I often wondered if he was correct. Society describes lower class as government assisted or a troublesome group of people. Hanratty and Meditz stated that â€Å"[i]n contrast, the masses were composed of the illiterate and the impoverished who lived on the margin of subsistence and possessed little or no security, skill, or stable employment. † I disagree with Hanratty and Meditz statement: most lower class people do have work-related skills and are literate. In a lower class neighborhood at a local barber shop there are always conversations about how the upper class is destroying the lower class, and why lower class people cannot integrate into the mainstream society. Some would say that their major obstacle on the way to social success is fear or ability to adapt to change. Lower class is aware that they are labeled; however, they are determined to be a driving force in society. The stereotype of a successful family implies that a husband and a wife have an income that allows them to live in a nice neighborhood. Society would classify that family as middle class. Samuelson writes that â€Å"[c]ompounding the stress, the price of entry into the middle class is always rising. The more we can have, the more we must have. Keeping up with the Joneses is the curse of our advances and ambitions† (19). The problem with middle class and the problem of trying to belong there is that the upper class considers itself middle class at times. It forces hard-working middle class people to work harder, often taking on two jobs to maintain their social status. Some upper class people continue to downplay their status as middle class. That would put pressure on truly middle class people to stay (or even move up) in the social status. Expectation of what society requires of the middle class often puts pressure on the middle class to advance. Being born into wealth has been the only way to integrate in the upper class. Today the upper class is comprised of a diverse group of people unlike years before when the rich just had to travel and throw socials. The perception of upper class as seen on television is sometimes different from reality, as the rich have large amounts of money and can abuse their power. The rich are excuse from a lot of mishaps, while the middle and lower class would have not received the same treatment. Domhoff writes that â€Å"[f]rom infancy through young adulthood, members of the upper class receive a distinctive education. This education begins early in life in preschools that frequently are attached to a neighborhood church of high social status. Schooling continues during the elementary years at a local private school called a day school. Higher education will be obtained at one of a small number of heavily endowed private universities. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and Stanford head the list, followed by smaller Ivy League schools in the East and a handful of other small private schools in other parts of the country† (24). The upper class continues to work hard on staying on top: they put pressure on themselves and their children to stimulate them to stay in the same social class. What we as society fail to realize is that success comes from within. In every culture there are social problems that result from being in a certain situation. Everybody has their own definition of what success is; definitions of success range from being rich, driving a fancy car, and living in a big house to simply being in good health and having a stress-free life. I have read a lot of articles through the years on what it takes to be successful and I stil.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Life Outside Our Biosphere :: essays research papers

Life Outside Our Biosphere The fragile balance of the Earth's ecosystem is constantly being disrupted. Overpopulation is placing heavy strain on the world's resources. We are burning all our fossil fuels to create the energy we need, and clearing our rainforests to make enough farmland to feed everyone. The ozone layer is slowly eroding, exposing us to harmful UV light. The room we have on this planet is just enough to provide for our population now! As the population grows, we will find ourselves more and more crowded, with no room left to expand. Solution: Transfer part of the population off the Earth, to colonies established either on other planets or on orbiting space stations. This will lessen strain on the world's land resources by providing more agricultural area, and will help solve problems associated with overcrowding. In our solar system, a few planetic possibilities exist for colonization. Mars, one of our closest neighbors, was previously a prime choice until it was explored more in depth. Scientists have now found it to be a red, rocky, barren desert with little atmosphere, no water, and containing no life. If Earthlings were to settle on Mars, we would remain totally dependent on the Earth's resources. Another close planet is Venus, the second from the sun. This "sister planet" of Earth proved to have extremely hostile conditions. Scientists were hopeful when they found traces of water vapor in the upper atmosphere, but were disappointed when concentrations of sulphuric acid were discovered mixed with the water. Venus has surface temperatures of around 600 degrees Fahrenheit, and an atmosphere one hundred times as thick as the Earth's. (This produces pressure equivalent to pressure two miles under water on Earth.) These conditions project a less than comfortable life on Venus. The Moon has held Man's curiosity since we were created, leading to such missions as the Apollos. These space missions have taught us a lot about what life on the moon would be like. The moon has little to offer us in the way of settlement: it has little to no atmosphere, and only one sixth of the gravity of Earth. Although the moon might not be the best place for colonies to settle, it would be an excellent source of resources for nearby space stations. ( Scientists can extract oxygen from the rocks, and glass, aluminium, and other metals as well.) Space stations orbiting in the past have been very dependent on the Earth's supplies for construction and maintenance. The Soviets have launched a brigade of structures called Salyuts. In fact, one of their cosmonauts has lived in space for more than 235 days! They supplied the Salyuts by shuttle

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Small Scale Industries

Small-Scale Industries in the Globalization Era: The case of Jordan Basem M. Lozi, Assistance Professor, Al-Balqa Applied University, [email  protected] com Abstract The research examines the role of SSI in the economic development of Jordan by showing the effects of the SSI on the unemployment rate, production, and sales. The research concludes with policy recommendations to ensure the sustained and competitive growth of small-scale industries in Jordan. The results of the study show that the growth of SSI in Jordan in terms of employment, production and sales has increased due to globalization and domestic liberalization.However, it is still not as significant as planned. The SSI sector should be encouraged to make a sustainable contribution to the national income, employment, and exports. Keywords: Small scale industries, policy, globalization, Jordan, competitiveness. Introduction The development of small-scale industries (SSI) has been one of the major planks of Jordan’ s economic development strategy since Jordan's independence. The SSI sector occupies a place of strategic importance in the Jordanian economic structure due to its considerable contributions in terms of output, exports and employment.SSI play a key role in the industrialization and development of any country. This is because SSI provides an immediate large scale employment, ensure a more equitable distribution of national income, and facilitate an effective mobilization of resources, capital, and skills which might otherwise remain underutilized. It is possible to determine the concept of the SSI in accordance with two measures: the size of the labor force employed; and the amount of invested capital in this industry. Jordan has adopted the first concept to distinguish between the SSI and other industries.An establishment is considered small if it employs not more than 10 workers, while industry employing between 15-30 workers is considered a medium scale industries, and when having more than 30 workers the industry is considered large scale industry's category. Although many countries have adopted this criterion, other, countries determined the higher ceiling of the number of the labor in this industry to become 15 workers as it is in Iraq and Ghana, while Egypt, Belgium and Denmark adopted the criterion that the number of workers should not exceed 50 workers.In contrast , countries such as France and Italy adopted the criterion of 500 workers to distinguish between small-scale and other industries But in Japan and in the United States the total number of workers working in small scale industries was set at 300 in Japan and 1000 workers in the United States(Subramanian 1995). Furthermore , the SSI are characterized by their degree of spread as show in table (2), the SSI in Jordan comprise nearly 84% of the established industries during the period of 19901998 and increased to nearly 90% of the total industries established during the period of 1999-2006 (Hachur e 2004).Moreover, most of these industries were characterized as being environmentally friendly. The possibility of establishing these industries in different regions is favorable because they do not need a special infrastructure, once these industries are well established then the encouragement of their spread in the rural regions will help to achieve many of the social and economic goals, such as increasing income in rural areas, controlling the migration from rural areas to cities and controlling demographic growth.Objectives of the study The main objective of this paper is to highlight the importance of SSI in the Jordanian economy as SSI occupies a place of strategic importance in the Jordanian economy due to their considerable contributions in terms of production, sales and employment. These 1 contributions have emerged despite of the fact that this sector has been exposed to intensifying competition. Research Questions This paper is also attempting to answer the following res earch questions.The answers to these questions are part of the objectives of this study. †¢ Why should global and national policy development affect SSI in Jordan? How? What are its implications? †¢ How far have SSI been able to cope with the competitive environment? What was their growth performance in the last decade? †¢ What was their effect on employment, production, and sales? †¢ What policies need to be taken to strengthen SSI to ensure their sustained contribution to the Jordanian economy?Methodology This study is based on the primary and analysis of secondary data. The data was gathered from published studies and reports available in both English and in Arabic languages. Relevant statistics were obtained from the Central Bank of Jordan and the Department of Statistics. These data were then analyzed to describe and explain the objectives of the study. Review of literature The literature review indicated that the numbers of studies which have examined SSI i n Jordan are very limited.The most notable studies are: A special report was conducted by the International Bank in the Middle East and North Africa (2005). This report shows that the financial gap which is the difference between the capitals offered and the capital needed has decreased, which means the SSI influenced part of the financing problem. Another study was conducted by the Royal Scientific Society (2001), concluded that if the SSI control the cost of needed materials for production, then the role of these industries in the economic development of Jordan will be significance.Additionally, N. Khalil (2004) reported on his paper â€Å"The role of SSI in decreasing the poverty and unemployment rate in Jordan†, that the SSI has a minor effect on the poverty and unemployment especially in the rural areas. While, I. Krabiliah (2002) in his paper â€Å"Relation between the no. of SSI and the unemployment rate in south Jordan†, that the no. of SSI in south Jordan is l imited compared to other districts. Therefore, the SSI in the south has a minor effect on the unemployment rate.Ironically, Almeyda (1996) reports that commercial banks role in SSI finance is significant even when compared to large and developed non-governmental organizations. It was found that 70 percent of the outstanding value of microfinance and SSI loans was extended by the 25 banks, whereas 150 non-governmental organizations were responsible for 4 percent only. A world Bank survey of 206 microfinance intermediaries world wide (2001), finds out that many area of the world – unlike the Middle East and North Africa and contrary to perceived barriers – banks are becoming a major player in microfinance.This report states that â€Å"banks may be the most efficient channel for providing microfinance to the entrepreneurial poor†. Global and national changes implications for small scale industries Last decade was a remarkable period in terms of policy changes natio nally as well as internationally. Since the beginning of 1990s, policy changes have been taking place at two different levels: global and national. Both have implications for the functioning and performance of SSI in Jordan. Globalization refers to free movement of factor inputs as well as output among countries.However, the developments that have been taking place since the early 1990s are mostly reference to the movement of capital, commonly known as Foreign 2 Direct Investment (FDI), and the free movements of goods, particularly from the developed not the developing economics. The liberalization of FDI regimes and the strengthening of international standards for the treatment of foreign investors give foreign firms greater freedom in making internationally location decisions. More than 58 countries have annually introduced changes in their investment regimes during the 1991-2006.In 2001 alone, 70 countries made a total of 150 regulatory changes, of which 147 were more favorable t o foreign investors (Stiglitz 2002). As a result, global FDI increased from US $ 209 billion in 1990 to US $ 1591 billon in 2000. The increased flow of FDI has led to its greater share in gross capital formation in all industries as well as manufacturing industries (Table 1). The increase was more significant in developing countries. This would have led to intensifying competition in the national as well as international markets for small firms.Table (1): FDI in capital formation (1980, 1990, and 2005) Region FDI as a percentage of Gross capital Formation ( All industries ) World 1980 1990 2005 Developing countries 1980 1990 2005 Source: UNCTAD The formation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 has only accelerated the process of scaling down tariff and non-tariff restrictions on imports. Jordan, as a member of the WTO, had substantially done away with its quantitative and non-quantitative restrictions by 2000. The process of removal of quantitative and non-quantitative res trictions across countries has led to a greater movement of goods between countries, including Jordan.However the reduction of restrictions on the movement of goods between countries and the subsequent increase in world exports have benefited Multinational Corporations (MNC) much more than small enterprises. This situation has not been examined along with the process of economic reforms launched by the government of Jordan at the national level. This has resulted in considerable freedom for enterprises – domestic as well as foreign – to enter, expand or diversify their investments in Jordanian industry.Jordan's economic reforms have two major outcomes. Firstly, the growth of the public sector decreased considerably since 1988 compared to the earlier period, in terms of not only investment and employment but also production. Secondly, there has been a rapid increase in FDI inflow, into diverse sectors of Jordanian industry. This economic reform in Jordan has treated the small scale industries in two ways: first is due to opening the door for intensified competition for non-durable consumer goods industries.The second way is by providing an opportunity for outsourcing to small enterprises in durable consumer goods and capital goods industries. Performance of small scale industries in the globalization era SSI is considered as the backbone of the private sector all over the world, which assures their role in production, employment and sales. In addition to their role in economic development, 1. 2 4. 0 8. 3 11. 7 22. 3 29. 8 2. 3 4. 7 9. 7 9 14 22 FDI as a percentage of Gross capital Formation In manufacturing 3 they play a vital role in social, political, and cultural development as well.However, the notable spread of SSI contributed to the increased severity of competition between these industries that often leads to the failure of these industries. Most SSI fail during the first year of establishment, and 90% of these industries are subject to fai lure during a period not exceeding their first 5 years. On the other side, the Mexican experience illustrates of the 200,000 small projects entering the market annually, no more than 70,000 projects continue in the market by the second year (Bencivenga, V. Bruce, S. and Starr, R. 1995).Table (2): The relative importance of the SSIs in Jordan (1990-2006) Year 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 No. of SSIs 52496 54696 64752 66160 66100 74896 76468 78580 81856 92923 106730 103753 105662 130149 126196 132166 135732 No. of all industries 58984 61388 74369 75920 80363 91520 93432 95856 98768 109532 118271 115820 118492 140338 141944 145699 150222 Relative importance 89% 89% 87% 87% 81% 82% 82% 82% 83% 84% 90% 89% 89% 92% 88% 90% 90% Source: Department of statistics, yearly statistical bulletins, various issues.As shown in table (2) the number of the SSI increased from 52496 projects in 1990 to 135732 projects in 2006. These numbers illustr ates the relative importance of the number of SSI of the total number of industries in Jordan is more than 80%. The SSI was distributed in Jordan into three districts as follows (Department of Statistics 2005): The northern district: 22% of the total small scale industries in Jordan. The middle district: 68% of the total small scale industries in Jordan. The southern district: 10% of the total small scale industries in Jordan.Furthermore, discrepancy in the relative importance of the spread of the SSI in the districts can be attributed to many factors. The most important factor is the demographic distribution that characterizes Jordan's districts, as well as to the nature of the concentration of the economic activities in these districts. However, the geographic distribution of the spread of the SSI may not relate to other economic indicators, but it is possible to accept it as an indicator to express the strength of most of these indicators in favor of the middle district.On the ot her hand, the lack of data and information about the geographic distribution of all the economic and social indicators concerning the SSI – such as investment , employment , production , sales †¦.. etc. – led to making the analysis inclusive for all of Jordan without dealing with details at the district level. 4 The investment Investment is the major driving force for the development process in any country. For instance, the greater the size of capital invested, the more its positive effects on the national economy. Table (3): Total amount of capital invested in the SSIs in Jordan (1990-2006) JD.Thousands* Year Small scale All industries Relative importance industries 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 26205 39347 44981 39149 46413 51345 47886 56048 54268 55355 57889 58322 60142 63324 65589 66639 67174 551811 591426 647104 751231 976636 947662 1208362 1354252 1429333 1438452 1457334 1467441 1492211 1521123 1543189 1551132 1561114 4. 7% 6. 7% 7. 0% 5. 2% 4. 8% 5. 4% 4. 0% 4. 1% 3. 8% 3. 8% 3. 9% 3. 9% 4. 0% 4. 1% 4. 2% 4. 2% 4. 3% Source: Department of statistics, yearly statistical bulletins, various issues. JD. 0. 71 = 1 $ From table (3), it can be noticed that the average of the relative importance for capital invested in the SSI is nearly 4% of the total capital invested in all industries during the period 1990 -2006. This illustrates that the SSI are characterized by the relative reduction in the capital needed to establish these industries compared to other industries. Such characteristics encourage and attract the investor's savings towards this category of industries because it achieves faster and bigger revenues compared to medium and large scale industries.Adding to such attractiveness the autonomy, flexibility and the accommodation the SSI are enjoying. Furthermore table (4) indicates that the average of the available capital for the SSI does not exceed 3. 6% of the total available capital for the different industries during the period 19902006. This is notably less than the average of the relative importance of capital invested in the SSI compared to the total invested capital. In other words, this category of industries depends on its financial resources from its own capital and from the circulated revenues more than the medium and large scale industries do. Table (4): Total value of fixed assets in the SSIs in Jordan (1990-2006) JD. Thousands Year Small scale All industries Relative importance industries 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 32641 45784 61329 48069 54317 72196 56977 69985 72803 73985 73376 72987 73324 73297 74122 75032 76125 980996 1007398 1030155 1062687 1603036 1698525 2084144 2471266 2480713 249687 250991 251543 257198 256244 259822 258970 259765 3. 3% 4. 5% 6. 0% 4. 5% 3. 4% 4. 3% 2. 7% 2. 8% 2. 9% 2. 9% 2. 9% 2. 8% 2. 8% 2. % 2. 8% 2. 9% 2. 9% Source: Department of statistics, yearly stati stical bulletins, various issues. It is important to notice that it is not realistic to explain the aforementioned result on the basis that the financial institutions did not perform their duties towards the SSI in financing their investment activities. The justification must be linked by knowing the nature of the fixed assets for this category of industries. Despite the attractiveness of SSI for investment, financial institutions seem hesitate to finance this industry.This situation can be explained by the fact that SSI are characterized as being traditional assets, handmade in many instances, and their low prices when comparing the capital assets of the medium and large scale industries. Also, the SSI does not conduct systematic studies for the benefits of their capital expenditure in the field of fixed assets. Therefore, financial institutions appear not willing to finance these industries at the current interest rate in the market because of the high risk.But the financial insti tutions could provide the finance for this category of industries at low interest rates only if these industries could provide more guarantees to the financial institutions. There is another alternative to financing SSI so as to receive the needed finance for their operations without bearing any additional financial burdens through loan guarantee's program. In order to over come this dilemma, the Central Bank of Jordan and the financial institutions established the Jordanian Company for Loans Guarantee in 1994, with the aim of providing the needed guarantees to cover the risk of the provided loans for SSI.This company guaranteed 5269 loans with JD. 140 million during the period 1990-2006. The financial institutions are characterized by their wide spread, as there are 17 banks providing the finance for this category of industries, and they accredited more than 24 programs. Some programs were oriented towards a specific age category such as the youth. While others oriented toward a sp ecific districts or specific geographic regions. Moreover the number of the institutions and the differences in financial programs for SSI, created a big discrepancy in the nature of the small loans terms.For instance, the interest rates ranged from 0% as in the case of the National Aid Fund into 22% for the Jordanian 6 Woman Department Establishment. The term of these loans extended from 3 months for the Women Loan Fund to15 years in the Agricultural Credit Corporation. On the other hand, the volume of the small grant reached JD. 192 million during the period 1990-2000. The first stage of the Social Security bundle program (1998-2000) provided loans backed by JD. 14 million for the SSI. The American Agency for the International Development (USAID) worked during the end of the last century to provide JD. 8 million as a grant to finance the SSI. This illustrates the relative sufficiency for the small financial grants compared to the needs to finance the activities of these industries during the past decade. To support this, one study conducted by the International Bank in the Middle East and several North African countries during the year 2005, showed that the financial gap for industries with less than 10 labors in Jordan reached nearly JD. 38 million, while the previous estimates for the financial gap for the SSI, and was JD. 48 million.Through this comparison it is evident that the financial gap was lowered, which means that the financial intuitions notably contributed in financing the SSI and the growth rate for the financing needs for these industries was lowered which contributed in reducing this gap. On the other side, the results of a field survey conducted recently by the Royal Scientific Society confirmed this indirectly as the study concluded that the cost reduction of the needed materials for production is one of the major factors that contribute to solving the problem.Employment The capability of the SSI to attract a large labor force is one of the most prominent aspects that characterized these industries. Also, the possibility of establishing these industries in all regions is considered an added function of the SSI to limit the unemployment in these regions. Table (5) indicates that the SSI provided opportunities for 18% of employment during the period 1990-2006. This percentage clearly demonstrates that the SSI contributes in alleviating the unemployment rate in Jordan.Table (5): Total no. of employees in the small scale industries in Jordan (1990-2006) Year Small scale All industries Relative importance industries 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 80134 83522 855121 88991 90115 93145 96244 98100 98541 100241 103788 93269 82008 123248 97340 100541 105211 421191 455621 479131 482231 491522 501993 521177 539981 544189 563131 585140 575930 573243 617466 705838 706111 706233 19. 0% 18. 3% 17. 8% 18. 4% 18. 3% 18. 5% 18. 4% 18. 2% 18. 1% 17. % 17. 7% 16. 2% 14. 3% 20. 0% 14. 0 % 14. 0% 15. 2% Source: Department of statistics, yearly statistical bulletins, various issues. 7 The importance of SSI for employment in Jordan was similar to their role in other countries. In the African countries SSI reached nearly 40% of the total labor force during the 1980s, while this rate was more than 50% for the developing countries during the 1970s and 1980s. The SSI in the United States contributed no less than 50% of the employment in the private sector during 1970s.In addition to the aforementioned, percentages one study conducted by the International Bank in 2005 pointed out that the rate of the labor force in the small and middle projects increased in developing and developed countries, such as Indonesia (79%), South Korea (78%),Turkey (62%),Brazil (59%),and the United State (52%). Also noted by comparing the contents of table (5) to the contents of table (3) is that the average capital density for each worker in the SSI reached JD. 2146 during the study's period 199 0-2006.This means that providing an additional job opportunity in this category of industries needs an investment of nearly JD. 2100, while average capital investment needed to provide a job during the same period reached JD. 1118, which is equal to the average of the capital density for each worker according to the industrial survey's data for the years 1984, 1988 and 1994. The result was surprising when it was noticed that the average of the relative importance for the number of the females working in the SSI during the research period was no more than 2% of the total labor force in these industries.In addition to what was mentioned above, the data by the Department of Statistics for the period 1990-2006, pointed out that the percentage of the labor force in the small scale industries was 92% of the total industrial sector. The average of the relative importance of working women in small scale industries did not exceed 5% of the total female labor force in the total industries dur ing the same period of the study. Some of SSI depends on employing foreign labor because low wages and salaries in this industries.Therefore, employment policies have to be geared to force the SSI to give domestic labors the first priorities for employment. However, the capability of these industries to eliminate poverty in Jordan is relatively limited. Production The SSI is characterized by their relative large contribution to the GDP. For instance, the average contribution of the SSI to the gross domestic product in Malaysia is 21%, the United States 40%, Spain 64%, Canada 52%, and France 54%. Table (6) shows the contribution of SSI to Jordan GDP is about 8. 5%. the significance of SSI to GDP could be noticeable by relating their ontribution to GDP ( 8. 5%) to their need for capital (4%) from the total invested capital. Table (6): Value added of the SSIs in Jordan (1990-2006) JD. Thousands Year Small scale industries 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 4955 2 56307 84191 76133 73393 85987 73277 84163 93049 94154 93690 95050 638955 643299 738460 766819 916853 1001738 988548 1089376 1145344 1149805 1116732 1140964 7. 8% 8. 8% 11. 4% 9. 9% 8. 0% 8. 6% 7. 4% 7. 7% 8. 1% 8. 2% 8. 3% 8. 3% All industries Relative importance 8 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 96248 96119 98546 99187 100235 169870 1161779 1179806 1169901 1206509 8. 2% 8. 2% 8. 4% 8. 5% 8. 3% Source: Department of statistics, yearly statistical bulletins, various issues. This characterized can be explained by the nature of SSI as extensive use of labor which is considered the major element in the production process compared to the capital element. On the other hand, comparing the contents of table (6), to those of table (5), revealed that the average annual labor productivity for SSI during the period of the study reached nearly JD. 3600. While before 1990 the average was JD. 3300 annually.Additionally, the data of tables 5 and 6 showed that increase in the average of no less than 9%, which indicates an increase in the labor productivity in the SSI. Table (7): Total sales of SSIs in Jordan (1990-2006) Year Small scale industries 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 67272 89472 149612 115469 104037 113891 115675 117988 136515 130665 135788 137430 140870 142997 143065 144087 148980 1499371 1637914 1947837 2030058 2482996 2769218 2766048 3029266 3094727 3278654 3199054 3304530 3587861 3689954 3788293 3803572 4006590 4. 5% 5. % 7. 7% 5. 7% 4. 2% 4. 1% 4. 2% 3. 9% 4. 4% 4. 0% 4. 2% 4. 1% 3. 9% 3. 7% 3. 7% 3. 8% 3. 7% All industries JD. Thousands Relative importance Source: Department of statistics, yearly statistical bulletins, various issues. Table (7) shows that the average contribution of the SSI total sales for all industries did not exceed 4. 8% during the period 1990-2006. This average is considered â€Å"neutral† because it is completely equal to the small scale industries share of the total capital investe d in these industries. Analyzing the sales structure of the SSI in Jordan demonstrates that 99. % of total sales were directed into domestic markets. In other words, the share of these industries for international market did not exceed 0. 06% of the total sales. 9 Conclusion The findings of this study revealed: 1- Generally, the SSI plays an important role in achieving social and economic development. The average invested capital in these industries reached 4. 8% of the total invested capital in all industries, during the period 1990-2006. Also, the SSI provided 22% of the total job opportunities and contributed in achieving nearly 8. % of the total value added. Lastly, their share of the total sales in the industrial sector was 4. 8%, and most of the sales were in the domestic market. 2- Despite the positive effects of the SSI in the Jordanian economy, the SSI still suffer from many weaknesses such as low average employment of women which is due to the socioculture. The percentage of women working in the SSI was only 1. 7%. Also, the percentage of foreign labor in the SSI is relatively high. 3- The financial institutions are characterized by their wide spread.There are 17 banks providing finance for this category of industry and more than 24 programs have been accredited. Some programs are oriented towards a specific age category such as youths, and some institutional activities are exclusively for specific district or specific geographic regions. 4- There is an increase in the productivity of labor in the SSI, which indicates that the training programs directed towards these industries have increased. 5- Increasing the investment in SSI by 1% lead to an increase of the value added by 0. 78%, production growth by 0. 81%, and employment by 0. 7%. 6- All the results of the statistical analysis of the SSI were statistically acceptable and no differences were noticed between the effect of SSI and other industries on the economic development of the Jordanian econo my. 7- Marketing has been identified as one of the major problem areas of the small scale industries and it has been ranked as the second most important reason for the closure of small scale businesses. Accordingly, small firms will not be able to penetrate markets, national or international, even if marketing support is given by government agencies.Recommendations Based on this study's analysis and results, the following recommendations may contribute to increasing the role of development of SSI in the Jordanian economy. 1- Establishing government centers in all districts in Jordan to provide the needed services and facilities to SSI in order to increase their role in the economic development of the Jordanian economy. 2- Establishing specialized training centers for SSI to provide special training programs on how to establish a project and how to maintain the continuity of that project. – Fostering technology development through either technology transfer or technological in novations or inter-firm linkages should be emphasized in the light of dimensions of global competition and its negative fall out as well as positive opportunities, to SSIs entrepreneurs through seminars and workshops, at the local level.4- The financial infrastructure is needs, and an adequate inflow of credit to the sector should be ensured, taking into consideration the growing investment demands including the requirements of technological transformation. – Limiting the establishment of small scale industries to designated industrial areas for better monitoring and periodic surveys, enabling the Ministry of Industry to make policy corrections from time to time. 10 6- Establishing strong relations between small and large firms. One of the major objectives of this scheme would be to provide reliable information by large-scale industries to the smallscale industries about new methods of marketing and how to participate in the international market. 7- Increasing exports of smal l- scale industries with governmental aid by exhibiting their productions in International Exhibitions. – To reap the benefits of SSI, Jordanian policy and decision makers have to enact and enforce the employment of Jordanian workers in the SSI. 9- It is highly recommended that Jordanian policy and decision makers to work in cooperation with other interest groups to train and encourage SSI to employ more Jordanians women. It is obvious that a large portion of unemployed in Jordan is among women.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Socrates s Theory Of Knowledge - 895 Words

In Phaedo, Socrates argued that knowledge is not learned, but recollected. Socrates used the example of sticks and stones, proving that our perception of the stones change. The stones may look equal from one angle, but different from another angle. This proves that we understand Equality, but Equality does not exist in the real world because it cannot be a real object. Socrates stated â€Å"we must then possess knowledge of the Equal before that time we first saw the equal objects and realized that all these objects strive to be like the Equal but are deficient in this [...] we must have possessed knowledge of the equal itself if we refer our senses perception of equal objects to it† (Plato, 75a-75b, pp. 113). Socrates believed that this knowledge, just as Equality, was not gained through our senses in our lifetime, but was present before our birth. When we use this knowledge, we are not learning, we are actually recollecting. In Plato’s analogy of the divided line, Soc rates and Glaucon discuss the ways in which we access knowledge. Socrates gives an example of the divided line, the line is divided into the intelligible and the visible. The visible is accessed through our senses, they are the reflections and shadows, which are version of the object. These reflections and shadows are the least reliable. In the visible world, there are also opinions. Opinions are formed through the interaction of objects, but they are not reality. The other side of the line is the intelligible,Show MoreRelatedSocrates s Theory Of Knowledge1130 Words   |  5 PagesIn Socrates’ work, Phaedo, transcribed by Plato, Socrates is in jail after loosing his trial. He has been sentenced to death, and is now awaiting to be put to death. On the day of his death, Socrates is visited by a few of his followers who have been loyal for a long time. 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